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The Tulsa Beacon



Someday, maybe soon, Americans can go back to church

Tulsa Beacon

It’s strange not going to church on Sunday. I have been in church almost every Sunday as far back as I can remember. When I was 5 years old, my sainted Grandmother got me and my four brothers dressed up every Sunday and marched us over to Tulsa Bible Church for Sunday School and morning…

The Quarantine Files

Tulsa Beacon

Sportscaster Bob Carpenter: Will there be a baseball season? Longtime Tulsa sports announcer, and Washington Nationals play-by-play voice, Bob Carpenter, is spending a lot of time at home this spring doing yard work and playing cards. I interviewed Carpenter, now in his 15th season with the Nationals, and he said he enjoyed the team’s run…

Sin and an overheated blanket have something in common

Tulsa Beacon

My wife and I got married in December. If you have to choose a month to get married, don’t make it December. Not only did we get married in the month of December, but we got married five days before Christmas. If you have to get married in December, don’t make it the week of…

Here are some of the ways that life in the US has changed

Tulsa Beacon

How has the Chinese coronavirus affected life in Tulsa?      A friend said that even when this is over, we may never want to shake hands again. If the virus dies down, it may reappear in the fall, just the like the flu. For the first time in my life, I haven’t been to church in…

How about skydiving for your senior Sunday School class?

Tulsa Beacon

What has been the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? The thing that made your family gasp and think you were crazy, the thing they tried to talk you out of? I find it odd that most people are satisfied living in the safe lane of life. No risks, no adventures, just content to be…

Repent, believe, follow

Tulsa Beacon

Confusion needs clarity; complexity calls for simplicity. As our circumstances grow cloudy, we should search for the big, bright lights to guide our steps. Pastors who are working to shepherd God’s flock in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis should allow big, bright Gospel lights to guide their work. As you pray and preach and…

The Quarantine Files

Tulsa Beacon

Here’s how to visit some great museums without leaving your home While we are all sitting at home, with very little opportunity to travel and sightsee, I’ve found a great way to visit some of the best museums in the world; virtual tours. Most museums have, at the very least, some photos of their exhibits,…

Keeping your pantry stocked is a lesson from the pandemic

Tulsa Beacon

We have a pantry, a refrigerator in the kitchen and a refrigerator in the garage. In normal times, we buy stuff on sale in bulk and use it as we need it. It saves us money. When Tulsa had an ice storm a few years ago, we had about 24 hours’ notice to stock up…

Don’t do ‘spiritual distancing’ with the good news of Jesus

Tulsa Beacon

We are in a new season of how we interact with this social distancing mandate. It’s not a new thing for me; I have been practicing the six-feet-apart posture for most of my life. It started in kindergarten; back then, most boys thought girls had cooties and if we got within six feet of them,…

The Quarantine Files

Tulsa Beacon

This is the first in a series of columns aimed at providing a behind the scenes look, and hopefully a more positive view, of how some people are coping with being quarantined, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You probably already know – Hollywood production companies have shutdown operations. Most television shows are not being taped…