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The Tulsa Beacon



Why have mission trips lost appeal?

Tulsa Beacon

For many years I served with an organization called Awe Star Missions. Every year, this ministry hosts a conference called iGO. Youth pastors, students, parents and missionaries from all around the world collide in one place for a time to focus on Christ’s commandment to go and make disciples of all nations. At this conference,…

A billion reasons why Oklahoma needs fiscal discipline

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma is taking in a lot of tax money. In fact, during the last year, the state has gotten so much extra money, it has as much as a billion dollars in the Rainy Day Fund (and other accounts). That’s a billion with a “B.” Gov. Kevin Stitt, to his credit, wants to sit tight…

Carter’s judicial expansion is still causing serious problems

Tulsa Beacon

It seems that since the administration of PRESJC-39 (James Earl Carter, D, Georgia) congressional action has been permitted to nominate to the federal district courts more than twice the number of judges that had been serving prior to Carter’s being in office.  Somewhere in his early days in office, a cry arose that the federal…

Thanks to a believing Colonel, KFC is sold everywhere

Tulsa Beacon

I started writing this article from a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland is one of the countries I’ve always wanted to visit but never had. My great-grandfather emigrated from Ireland to the United States, and I would love to visit my roots. When I noticed that a flight out of London had a…

Democrats ignore science as they push climate ‘disaster’

Tulsa Beacon

Speaking at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change held on July 25th in Washington, D.C., Dr. Roy W. Spencer of the University of Alabama in Huntsville said, “There is no climate crisis. There is no climate emergency. Even if all of the warming we’ve seen in any observational data set is due to increasing…

The Keystone Pipeline will be a big boost to Oklahoma and U.S.

Tulsa Beacon

The decade-long fight over Keystone XL, a 1,179-mile underground oil pipeline that would carry crude from Canada to Nebraska, just took another surprising turn. In June, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals lifted an injunction and allowed the long-delayed construction project to move forward. But environmentalists quickly threw up new frivolous roadblocks. The U.S. Army…

I never bought a motorcycle and never played football

Tulsa Beacon

Football fever is in the air. I almost played football when I was in the sixth grade at Burbank Elementary School. I went to the first practice and was shown how to get into a three-point stance on the offensive line. “Block the guy on the other side,” the coach barked. I did block him….

All nations – including Israel – should control immigration

Tulsa Beacon

Actually, it has long been accepted that any nation-state has the right to accept or reject any person or persons for whatever reasons it might have.  Would that the United States would return to that principle for our own borders!  Hopefully, the current administration will maintain the course and step up the effort to protect…

My family, friends and church are so very important

Tulsa Beacon

I want to take this space to say thank you to the many who have prayed for me as I walked through the season of stage 4 prostate cancer. I have shared with you everything from my diagnosis, to treatment options, to making the final decision, to having my prostate removed. I had the surgery…

This is August and it is supposed to be hot in Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

I used to hate the summer heat. For the first 30 years of my professional life, I wore a coat and tie to work. In the late 1970s, former President Jimmy Carter tried to get professional men to dress less formally to save money on energy. (He also mandated a 55-mph speed limit and neither…