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The Tulsa Beacon



Survey says pastors see discipleship happening at churches

Tulsa Beacon

Most Protestant pastors feel confident about the discipleship taking place in their churches, however, there’s still plenty of room for growth, according to a new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research. Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) say they are satisfied with the state of discipleship and spiritual formation in their church, while 78 percent indicate there’s room…

You need a scorecard to keep up with the Democrats

Tulsa Beacon

It’s been said that “you can’t tell the horses from the jockeys without a scorecard” and that is particularly true of the horde of Democrats who are running or thinking about running against Donald Trump in 2020. Here’s a rundown with a few thoughts. U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, represents Youngstown and Akron. He is…

Assaults on French churches adds doubt to Notre Dame fire

Tulsa Beacon

The early morning talk show on April 16 and preceding news at 5 a.m. was full of stories about the sudden fire in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and how much damage had appeared to be done.  Early reports were that the French officials would not call it other than “perhaps an accident from…

Jaguar was a beauty in spite of/because of her brokenness

Tulsa Beacon

Today, I had to say goodbye to an old and trusted friend. We met years ago, when I was a neophyte in the ministry. My traveling days were just beginning, and all I had was a new Bible and an old suitcase made of cardboard. It was just a cloth-covered box with a handle, nothing…

Give your faith a boost by going to church on Easter

Tulsa Beacon

In the early 1960s, I think it was 1961, I remember sitting and talking with my Sunday School teacher, Mrs. White, at Tulsa Bible Church back when it was on 6th Street near McClure Park. She patiently talked to me about Heaven and Hell. Using the Wordless Book, she explained that the black page stood…

Communists, socialists hold no concern for American borders

Tulsa Beacon

Frankly, it seems that those in the C/F/S (Communist/Fascist/Socialist) camp have zero concern for the future of the United States as a nation with its own property and integrity.  Every day Democrats, along with a few RINOs, in Congress strive to block all efforts by PRESDT-45 to have the government do what national governments of…

Lessons from ‘Moore Adventures to the Ends of the Earth’

Tulsa Beacon

It isn’t having grandchildren that make me feel old these days; it is the knowledge that I am married to their grandmother. These last few years, adding the role of grandfather to my life has brought me some of the best days I’ve ever had. Many grandparents tell me to enjoy this phase while I…

Science doesn’t support the hype of the New Green Deal hysteria

Tulsa Beacon

On March 26, the United States Senate voted against putting forward Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s, D-New York, and Sen. Ed Markey’s, D-Massachusetts,  Green New Deal (GND) resolution to the Senate floor for debate and final vote. Those voting against the GND included all 53 Republicans, three Democrats and one Independent. Voting merely “present” (also known as…

My backyard garden will not be as busy this summer

Tulsa Beacon

In the good old days, you would plant in a field for several years and then you would not plant in that field for at least one growing season to let the ground recover. That’s one of the reasons why I am not going to plant much if anything in our backyard garden this year….

Efforts are underway to create a Gold Star Survivors’ memorial

Tulsa Beacon

Now for a relaxing change of pace from the evil and noisy proclamations we have been bombarded with for the last two and one-half years from the “goats” on the left.  It has recently, within the last year or so, come to my attention that someone has come forward with a plan to recognize those…