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The Tulsa Beacon



The untold truth about pot and violent mental illness

Tulsa Beacon

There is a proven relationship between marijuana usage and psychosis that leads to violence. People who are schizophrenic are only moderately likely to become more violent than healthy people when they are taking antipsychotic medicine and avoiding recreational drugs. But when they use drugs, the risk of violence skyrockets. That is one point made by…

Communists, Socialists and Fascists targeting America

Tulsa Beacon

As each day in the Swamp (District of Columbia) goes by, it seems that the rude, crude, untruthful and just nasty carrying on in actions and words of those of the Communist/Fascist/Socialist revolutionary groups gets worse than before and worse than we think they can get.  Some in my circle of associates, particularly the ladies,…

Attempting to circumvent the Whipped Cream Monitor

Tulsa Beacon

I never had to have a whipped cream monitor before. But since my grandsons have come into my life, I have been assigned one: my wife. A whipped cream monitor has only two lines, “Whoaaa, that’s way too much” and “You can catch germs.”  My grandsons like hot chocolate; well, they don’t like it too…

Climate lobby blames record cold spell on global warming?

Tulsa Beacon

What do heat waves, floods, droughts, rising sea level, forest fires, hurricanes, African wars, mass extinctions, disease outbreaks, and migration from South America and the Middle East have in common? They are all, according to climate activists, caused by man-made global warming. And this, in turn, is supposedly caused by rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels…

Be careful about giving unusual Valentine’s Day gifts

Tulsa Beacon

For almost 37 years, for Valentines Day I have: Bought my wife red roses. Purchased a romantic Hallmark card. Given her a box of chocolate candy. Taken her out to eat at a nice restaurant. That’s pretty much my plan for 2019 and years beyond. But these days, there are some clever options for Valentines…

Charity hospitals could assist with unplanned pregnancies

Tulsa Beacon

By a strange quirk of fate, the subject in my last column was brought home to me the morning of February 4 during the Pat Campbell radio show on KFAQ during his interview with freshman First District U.S. Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Oklahoma.  During the course of the interview, the subject turned to budget circumstances and…

Graddad taught a lesson with a piglet

Tulsa Beacon

I was very fortunate to have a grandfather who believed in teaching me about money. As far back as I can remember, he was talking about tithing, investments and savings. Granddad was a hog farmer, and one day, he came to me and asked if I wanted to go into business with him. I was…

After 50 years of work, I finally signed up for Medicare

Tulsa Beacon

After turning 65 in November, I recently signed up for Medicare. At first, I didn’t want to. I was perfectly satisfied with using Samaritan Ministries. It is not an insurance program but rather Christian organization that shares expenses. It works very well and we have saved thousands of dollars in monthly costs and medical costs…

Medical information should be available in sealed papers

Tulsa Beacon

In going through some older clippings recently, one from the daily paper dated last October 14 surfaced with a headline that read: “DNA data can identify those who never tested.” Credit was given to Kristen V. Brown of Bloomberg, which immediately turns on a mental yellow light because of the displayed Communist/Fascist/Socialist words and actions…

True character is a condition of the heart, not an award

Tulsa Beacon

“And the award goes to …” Earlier today, I attended my second assembly at Titus the Honorable’s school. The first one was exciting; it was his Christmas program, and halfway through, a kid on the front row threw up. The Christmas miracle was that in an auditorium packed with people, no one else followed suit….