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The Tulsa Beacon



Network ‘news’ shows lack ordinary common sense

Tulsa Beacon

There are numerous things that are irritating to me, and possibly many others of my pre-war education classes, so as space will permit it seems appropriate to check into some of them. In my lifetime, it has been observed that those whose agenda involves changes for which there is no logic or common sense are…

The remarkable story of Keith Wheeler

Tulsa Beacon

My inspiration for carrying the cross up Mt. Kilimanjaro a few years ago came to me through a man named Keith Wheeler. I have known Keith for a long time, and he is one of my favorite missionary speakers. Several years ago, I was talking to Keith about my upcoming 40th anniversary of entering the…

Activist judges hand out unconstitutional decisions

Tulsa Beacon

There is a constitutional crisis in this country. One branch of government is undermining the rule of law. The culprit isn’t President Trump or Congress; it’s the courts. Nationwide, judges are making public policy, rather than adjudicating it. This power grab is apparent in immigration cases, where judges have ignored the Constitution and issued rulings…

Switzerland and the United States are balanced in their foreign trade

Tulsa Beacon

President Trump is levying tariffs on several major trading partners. And they’re striking back. China says it’s prepared for “the biggest trade war in economic history” and promises to impose retaliatory tariffs of “equal scale and equal strength” on U.S. goods. The European Union has slapped tariffs on U.S. products ranging from bourbon to motorcycles….

Environmental extremism is a reason to vote Republican

Tulsa Beacon

Why are some people so passionate about “global warming?” The answer for some is higher taxes for Americans. That’s right. It’s not about saving the planet or leaving an environmental legacy to the next generation. It’s about money and power. In the October 17 issue of Environmental Magazine, writer Sarah Mosco unwittingly reveals the true…

Single Payer Only Increases Waste

Tulsa Beacon

In less than a week, we will find out what the American voter really cares about.  To the Democrats, the only thing Americans want is free medical coverage, which means a single payer.  This will only put private carriers out of business and increase the power and scope of the federal government. To the leftist…

The nasty politics probably won’t end after the election

Tulsa Beacon

This week becomes the final week leading up to the 2018 Mid-Term Election on November 6, which many have stated is “the most important in my lifetime.” Well, maybe not in mine, as the last presidential election was one of the most, if not the most, critical elections in my nine-decade memory. That includes those…

Following footsteps in a sleeping bag?

Tulsa Beacon

Many years ago, our artillery company was on winter training maneuvers outside the Wisconsin Dells. If you want to find a place that is bitter cold, you will never be disappointed with the Dells in December. The area should have a sign out front: “Welcome! Home of the Frozen Chosen!” My unit was sent there…

New lessons from Hurricane Florence

Tulsa Beacon

The devastation caused by September’s Hurricane Florence and related tornadoes are certainly appalling, and condolences are in order. However, seen in a long-term perspective, what humans define as disasters are an opportunity for improvement, just like in nature. We must rethink disasters and reduce risk as much as reasonably possible but also recognize that they…

Halloween used to be fun but now it has become weird

Tulsa Beacon

Our culture has become too weird and spooky to enjoy a costume party on Halloween. The last one I went to was almost 25 years ago. Our office had a party and about 30 people showed up. It wasn’t too bad back then but the secretary who hosted the party turned her stereo up full…