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The Tulsa Beacon



States Where Unemployment Claims Are Increasing the Most

Tulsa Beacon

New unemployment claims increased by 6% week-over-week on July 22, and were 9.7% higher compared to the same week last year. To help add some context to this statistic, WalletHub just released updated rankings for the States Where Unemployment Claims Are Increasing the Most. Key Stats: The following states had unemployment claims last week that…

Tulsa 9.12 Project Panel Discussion with RNC Attendees

Tulsa Beacon

Join Tulsa 9.12 Project on August 8th to hear the inside scoop on the recent Republican National Convention Milwaukee! Find out what happened on the Convention floor. Learn if there were any surprise guests. Hear the unreported details that the MSM did not report. This year’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee was certainly one for…

Tulsa District 2, 3 and 4 races on August 27 ballot

Tulsa Beacon

The District 2 Council seat has five candidates that are running:  Anthony Archie (36), Aaron L. Bisogno (37), W.R, Casey Jr. (58), Stephanie Reisdorph (37) and Rhene D Ritter (54).  This is an open seat with Jeannie Cue the incumbent leaving to run for Tulsa County Commissioner. Archie came to Tulsa to attend ORU and…

Health Agency collects Oklahomans’ data, balks at public transparency

Tulsa Beacon

For years, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) has collected Oklahomans’ personal medical information via patient-discharge data. An agency spokesperson has acknowledged that practice has been in place for years. But when an open-records request asked if the Oklahoma State Department of Health sells that data to third parties, the agency’s tune changed. The…

Some churchgoers feel churches have chronological confusion

Tulsa Beacon

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — Pews? Where we’re going, we don’t need pews. Some churchgoers say walking into their church feels like time travel, with ministry that would be at home in the past. Around 3 in 10 (29%) U.S. Protestant churchgoers say their church’s ministry activities and methods would fit best in a time period before…

Oklahoma Tax-Free Weekend August 2-4

Tulsa Beacon

The tax-free weekend starts at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, Aug.2, and ends at 11:59 p.m. Sunday night. The state sales tax, which is set at 4.5%, will be entirely waived during this time. County and municipal taxes will also be waived, providing a discount for shoppers. Basically under the special holiday law, if an item…

Homeownership rates declining – the fifth-most in Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

New research has revealed the states with the most significant increase and decrease in homeownership since 2014, with Oklahoma having the fifth-most significant decline in Property Ownership in America. Real estate experts Agent Advice analyzed a recent housing vacancy and homeownership survey from government census data to determine the states that had experienced the most…

Gas prices fall in Tulsa, up in OKC

Tulsa Beacon

Average gasoline prices in Tulsa have fallen 10.3 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.08/g today, according to GasBuddy’s survey of 321 stations in Tulsa. Prices in Tulsa are 4.6 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 38.8 cents per gallon lower than a year ago. The national average price…

Convention Delegates to pick the Candidate

Tulsa Beacon

On Sunday, the delegates to the Democratic National Convention went from obscurity to some of the most powerful people in the country. These delegates are powerful because they are among the approximately 4,600 people who have an actual vote to pick the Democratic nominee for president. Usually, this is a pro forma process completed by…

People Moving To Oklahoma Bring $1 Billion With Them

Tulsa Beacon

Since 2019, Oklahoma has been among the states experiencing the greatest level of net domestic migration as the number of people moving to Oklahoma has exceeded those leaving the state. And those new citizens have increased Oklahoma’s net adjusted gross income by more than $1 billion, based on Internal Revenue Service data. In 2020, people…