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The Tulsa Beacon



Oklahoma’s ‘hospital surge plan’

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt and Interim Commissioner of Health Lance Frye, MD, along with Norman Regional Health System President and CEO Richie Splitt, announced modifications to the State of Oklahoma’s COVID-19 hospital surge plan. “Since the start of the pandemic, we have been fortunate to work closely with our hospitals around the state, as well as…

Delay in income tax inflated July revenues

Tulsa Beacon

Thanks to the delay in the annual income tax filings, state revenues jumped more than 25% in July compared to July of 2019. Because of the Chinese coronarvirus pandemic, the federal and state filing for income tax was moved from April 15 to July 15. State Treasurer Randy McDaniel said July receipts from all sources…

Amazon officially opens Tulsa center

Tulsa Beacon

Amazon’s new fulfillment center in Tulsa is officially open for business along with two new delivery stations in Oklahoma City. The 600,0000-square-foot Tulsa fulfillment center at 4040 N. 125th E Ave. opened for the first time last week. The state-of-the-art center will employ more than 1,500 full-time workers who will work alongside technology created by…

August is the one time to opt out of EMSA monthly charge

Tulsa Beacon

August is the only month  when Tulsa utility customers can cancel or subscribe to a monthly fee for EMSA for ambulance services. EMSAcare is a program by EMSA (Emergency Medical Services Authority) that covers the costs of emergency medical ambulance transport for all permanent members of households that participate in the program. EMSAcare subscribers either…

okPORK helps feed the needy in OK

Tulsa Beacon

When pork processing plants across the country had to operate at a reduced capacity, pigs were stuck on farms longer than usual. okPORK staff began to search for local processing plants that were available to process pork for donation to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma State University Robert M. Kerr Food and…

Insurance benefits go unclaimed

Tulsa Beacon

Each year, millions of dollars in life insurance benefits go unclaimed by beneficiaries who can’t find their deceased loved ones’ policies or, in some cases, may not even know the policies exist. Since 2016, the Life Insurance Policy Locator, launched by the Oklahoma Insurance Department through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, has helped 3,972…

Development in Greenwood District

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Tulsa will begin work with HR&A Advisors on an economic feasibility study on development possibilities at the Evans site in the historic Greenwood District. The 11-acre Evans site is the southern half of the former Evans Fintube site, and contains the historic Oklahoma Iron Works/Bethlehem Supply Company building, which is listed on…

Higher speed limits on I-35, I-40

Tulsa Beacon

Higher speed limits on rural portions of Interstates 35 and 40 were approved by the Oklahoma Transportation Commission. Six locations on the two interstates totaling 179 of Interstate 35’s 236 miles in the state and 220 of Interstate 40’s 331 miles in the state will see the changes. Engineering studies showed that the change is…

Tulsa gasoline prices fell again

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa gas prices have fallen 5 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $1.73/gallon Monday, according to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 321 stations. Gas prices in Tulsa are 7.4 cents per gallon lower than a month ago and stand 46.8 cents per gallon lower than a year ago. According to GasBuddy price reports, the…

Aug. 18 deadline for absentee ballots

Tulsa Beacon

The deadline for absentee ballots for the August 25 runoff election and Tulsa municipal election is 5 p.m. on August 18. That ballot includes a state and county runoff primary election; a City of Tulsa municipal election; five City of Tulsa proposed charter changes; a bond election for the City of Jenks; a sales tax…