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The Tulsa Beacon



Liberalized liquor laws

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY –  Senate Bill 1928 and House Bill 1349 expand alcohol-related rules to allow curbside sales, delivery and options at retail establishments. The Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement (ABLE) Commission recently provided emergency rules on June 5 that expand on SB 1928 to further clarify curbside and delivery hours, delivery area and other details. …

Trump Supporters

Trump makes re-election case

Tulsa Beacon

With thousands of supporters in attendance and millions watching on TV and social media, President Donald Trump restarted the public rallies of his 2020 re-election campaign here in Tulsa. Trump dubbed the rally part of “The Great American Comeback Campaign.” He reviewed the successes of his first administration, warned of the socialism of Joe Biden…

Changes highlight the June 30 vote due to the coronavirus

Tulsa Beacon

Voting in the June 30 primary election in Tulsa will not be usual for Tulsans due to coronarvirus. “Because of the COVID pandemic, many of our usual polling places will not be available on election day,” said Tulsa County Election Board Secretary Gwen Freeman. “We ask that you look for any mail from the Tulsa…

Michael Baker has been selected as Tulsa’s new fire chief

Tulsa Beacon

Michael Baker, former Chief of Emergency Medical Services for the Tulsa Fire Department, was chosen Monday as Tulsa’s 12th Fire Chief. He will take his post effective Tuesday, June 16. “Out of several exceptional public servants who put forth their names to serve as Tulsa’s next Fire Chief, I have decided Michael Baker is the…

TASM gets NASA astronaut trainer

Tulsa Beacon

The Tulsa Air and Space Museum is getting a Space Shuttle Crew Compartment Trainer from NASA. The full-size Space Shuttle Crew Compartment Trainer was used to train astronauts during the Shuttle Program.  The Shuttle Trainer is a high-fidelity life-size replica of the Shuttle nose, cockpit and crew compartment of a shuttle, and will be added…

Nominations taken for OBA awards

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Bar Association is accepting nominations for its annual awards presentations. Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. July 1. Awards will be presented to recipients at the OBA Annual Meeting November 4-6 at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. Awards are open to lawyers and nonlawyers who have positively impacted the legal…

Changes for Animal Welfare Dept.

Tulsa Beacon

In February, Tulsa accepted bids for management for the city’s animal shelter. A panel was established to examine the proposals. The three bidders were the  Tulsa Animal Welfare (TAW) team – Brandywine Valley SPCA and Humane Society of Tulsa. The city picked TAW. “We are very pleased that the employees were able to elect representatives…

Return to Campus news for TCC

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Community College’s first phase of its Return to Campus  plan provides students limited access to computers for the summer semester at two campuses, but how they access the buildings and the computers is very different. This is the first phase of restarting on campus operations as TCC looks to resume in-person classes, one of…

More federal funds for state schools

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Gov. Kevin Stitt and State School Superintendent Joy Hofmeister want to give eligible Oklahoma school districts an opportunity to apply for $16 million in emergency relief funds through the federal Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Incentive grant funds were made available through $8 million from the Oklahoma State Department…

197 coronavirus hospitalizations

Tulsa Beacon

In Oklahoma as of Monday, there have been 10,733 confirmed cases of the Chinese coronavirus. The number of tests in Oklahoma is 271,925. There are 197 patient in hospitals. There have only been 1,268 hospitalizations since the outbreak began and 369 Oklahomans have died.