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The Tulsa Beacon



Tulsa update – May 3

Tulsa Beacon

The Tulsa Health Department (THD) has confirmed 628 positive COVID-19 cases in Tulsa County. 430 residents have recovered and 34 have died. On April 30, Tulsa’s Safer at Home Order (shelter in place) expired except for those who are over the age of 65 or with underlying medical conditions as outlined in the state’s Phase…

City furloughs, closings

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Tulsa is expecting a $13 million-plus shortfall in revenue in the next fiscal year. That’s a 5% decrease in the general funds. Some city employees will be furloughed for four hours every Friday afternoon from May 8 to December 18. If holiday falls on a Friday, the furlough will be on Thursday….

THD Pet Guidelines

Tulsa Beacon

THD advises to not let pets interact with others outside a household, keep cats indoors when possible, walk dogs on a leash and avoid dog parks and public spaces where people and dogs gather.

Tulsa Drive-Through Testing Sites

Tulsa Beacon

There are three drive-through testing sites in Tulsa – all are by appointment only. Walk-ins cannot be accepted. OSU Center for Health Sciences, 918-599-5300 OU-Tulsa, 918-619-4980 Walmart at 81st and Lewis, or call 1-800-635-8611 If someone is exposed to a known COVID-19 patient or is exhibiting symptoms, call THD at 918-582-9355.

Making masks

Tulsa Beacon

The OSU-Tulsa Extension Office’s Tulsa County Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) members have volunteered their time and money to create, handmade and donate nearly 1,000 fabric masks to local hospitals and medical facilities, community members, and grocery stores and businesses. OHCE members created 50 scent cloths to be used to comfort NICU babies at…

Paycheck Protection Program update

Tulsa Beacon

In late April, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) began accepting applications for the second round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds. The PPP helped more than 1.66 million small businesses nationwide, and protected over 30 million jobs.  About 75 percent of the loans were made for under $150,000.   In Oklahoma, SBA has approved more…

Unemployment application help

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt’s Secretary of Digital Transformation, David Ostrowe, in partnership with the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (OESC) and Executive Director Robin Roberson announced the State agency has made headway in upgrading the state’s decades old system for filing unemployment claims. “Since the first of April, the agency has processed over 160,000 claims, which is…

Testing released prisoners

Tulsa Beacon

Last week, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections began testing all discharging inmates for COVID-19 prior to their release. One of the inmates from William S. Key Correctional Center in Fort Supply tested April 20 was released April 22 a few hours prior to ODOC receiving his positive test results. Once an inmate has served his…

Woodland Hills Mall reopened Friday

Tulsa Beacon

Woodland Hills Mall is owned by Simon Properties which opened 49 of its malls and outlet centers by May 4. Penn Square Mall in Oklahoma City also re-opened Friday. Business hours at the malls will be limited to 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday to allow for…

Journalism professors demand censorship of Trump

Tulsa Beacon

A group of journalism professors, including three from colleges in Oklahoma, have called on television networks to stop the live airing of President Donald Trump’s briefings on COVID-19. “We write to demand that the live, unedited airing of the Daily White House Task Force Briefings stop,” the group letter states. “Because Donald Trump uses them…