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The Tulsa Beacon



Mayor Bynum’s proposed fy budget raises utility rates

Tulsa Beacon

Mayor G.T. Bynum’s total budget proposal is $828.5 million – $25.1 million less than the budget for the last fiscal year. That’s a 3% cut. The operating budget is $693.7 million, a $20 million decrease, or 2.8% under the last budget. And Bynum wants to raise sewer and wastewater rates. The general fund, which funds…

$7 million grant to help legal units

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma District Attorneys Council (DAC) through the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program can assist eligible public safety/criminal justice state, county, local and tribal units of government as well as victim-services non-profit agencies with a new $7 million federal grant.  Awards will be used for preventing, preparing for, and responding to the coronavirus and…

Gambling compacts are disputed

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt and Attorney General Mike Hunter are disagreeing about the two gambling compacts Stitt signed last week with the Comanche and Otoe-Missouria tribes. Hunter said the governor has the right to negotiate the compacts but state law doesn’t give him the power to sign new compacts. The agreements are not authorized by the…

Fire Chief Ray Driskell retires

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Fire Chief Ray Driskell retired Thursday. Driskell, 56, has been with the department for 35 years. Former Mayor Dewey Bartlett made his fire chief  in May 2012. Prior becoming chief, Driskell was as a fire marshal, assistant chief, district chief and chief of finance and deputy chief. Bynum has named Deputy Chief Scott Clark…

T-shirt sales to help OSU students

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma State University, the OSU Foundation and the OSU Alumni Association are partnering with several Stillwater vendors to produce a new #CowboyFamily T-shirt. The T-shirts are being sold for $22 by various Stillwater vendors who will then donate a portion of their proceeds to the Cowboy Strong Student Emergency Fund, a component of OSU’s COVID-19…

Back to Normal?

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahomans look for the return to normal after the coronavirus There are indications that life could start to return to normal soon in Oklahoma. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Gov. Kevin Stitt has extended the Safer at Home order only through May 6 for those over the age of 65 and vulnerable individuals with…

Opening Up America

Tulsa Beacon

U.S. Senators Jim Inhofe and James Lankford, both Oklahoma Republicans, will join President Trump’s Opening Up America Again Congressional Group. Ninety-seven members of Congress from both sides of the aisle were asked to be part of the group. The President says he is getting ready to provide guidance to governors to determine their state’s ability…

Testing in Tulsa

Tulsa Beacon

The Tulsa Health Department offers specimen collection for a limited number of individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19 who are uninsured or underinsured. For appointments, call 918-582-9355. The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH), the University of Oklahoma (OU), and Oklahoma State University (OSU) are teaming up to offer drive-thru testing sites at university locations…

Tulsa Update

Tulsa Beacon

To date, the Tulsa Health Department (THD) has confirmed 390 positive COVID-19 cases in Tulsa County. 109 residents have recovered and 22 have died. Test results are updated daily at  For information, visit  A Safer at Home Order is in place for every Tulsan, prohibiting public events, private events and social gatherings through…

Tulsa City Budget

Tulsa Beacon

With an unprecedented rise in unemployment claims and with sales and use taxes comprising two-thirds of the city’s general fund (operating) revenue, Mayor G.T. Bynum is implementing furloughs for all positions funded by the city’s general fund, with the exception of fire, police, 911 personnel, and utilities such as water and sewer operations and trash…