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The Tulsa Beacon



Coronavirus in Oklahoma prisons

Tulsa Beacon

LEXINGTON – An Oklahoma Department of Corrections staff member at Joseph Harp Correctional Center in Lexington has tested positive for COVID-19. That staff member has not been in the facility since March 29. Based on the timeline when the staff member last worked at the facility, the health department advises there is no need for…

249 cases in Tulsa, eight deaths

Tulsa Beacon

To date, the OSDH confirmed 175 positive COVID-19 cases in Tulsa County. 20 residents have recovered and eight have died. Test results are updated daily at For more information, visit

Safer at Home in Tulsa

Tulsa Beacon

Through April 30, residents can make essential trips to the grocery store, get medication and things needed to survive at home. Patronizing essential businesses for non-essential purposes such as apparel or personal care services should not occur.  For more information, go to

Police issue citations

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Police are enforcing this Safer at Home Order. If you believe a business or organization is violating the Order, call the Tulsa Police non-emergency number at 918-596-9222. Citations have been issued for those not following the order. TPD is not being dispatched to those not following physical distancing by 6 feet at essential businesses,…

Homeless Shelter Funding

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa has secured funding to operate a homeless shelter at the former Juvenile Justice Detention Center in partnership with Tulsa County.

Tulsa Fire update

Tulsa Beacon

The Tulsa Fire Department has seen consistent 911 calls involving fires. Additionally, TFD has seen a slight reduction in emergency-related calls due to Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) code changes, but those are expected to rise as more people test positive. To date, TFD has the supplies needed to deliver quality services. The fire department…

Tulsa Police update

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Police have received equipment from TFD that allows officers to decontaminate their vehicles and the uniform divisions.  Last week, one police officer tested positive for COVID-19. That officer is at home in self-isolation, and those officers who came in contact with that officer are also quarantined at home. Tulsa Police are asking Tulsans to…

Tulsa County Sheriff update

Tulsa Beacon

One dispatcher has tested positive for COVID-19. Others on staff have been notified, quarantined as necessary, and all are monitoring their health. The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office continues to follow sanitizing measures in the Tulsa County Jail. Tulsa County reports one member of the Tulsa County Sheriffs’ Volunteer Cold Case Task Force has died from…

Tulsa Area Emergency Management Agency Update

Tulsa Beacon

TAEMA has activated the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and has been working with the Army Corps of Engineers to identify potential sites for alternate care facilities.

THD taking PPE donations

Tulsa Beacon

Corporate, industrial or medical partners looking to donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) should email [email protected]. Currently, THD is unable to accept private household donations. Items collected will be given to the Regional Medical Response System.