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The Tulsa Beacon



Broken Arrow closes some businesses

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Broken Arrow has shuttered places of public gathering and limited restaurants to take-out options due to the coronavirus pandemic after hearing from Health Department officials. Broken Arrow Mayor Craig Thurmond, with the City Council’s unanimous support, ordered the closure of certain businesses and dine-in restaurants at midnight March 20. The first confirmed…

Colleges close campuses

Tulsa Beacon

The University of Tulsa said students should not return to campus from spring break (last week) and only virtual classes will be offered through the end of the semester. TU students have only restricted access to campus housing. The University of Oklahoma’s Norman and Tulsa campuses will resume online-only instruction after spring break. Graduation ceremonies…

Tulsa banks close lobbies

Tulsa Beacon

Most Tulsa banks – including Arvest, Mabrey Bank and Bank of Oklahoma – have temporarily closed their lobbies to customers. The drive-throughs are open. FDIC Insurance covers deposits up to $250,000. Bank officials advise the public to be aware of malicious cyber criminals using phishing emails and other methods to tap bank accounts during the…

Don’t flush Lysol wipes

Tulsa Beacon

City of Tulsa officials said that Lysol wipes, baby wipes (even if they say flushable), paper towels and feminine products cannot be flushed into sewer lines. The City’s Water & Sewer Department has already taken several calls in reference to Lysol wipes getting caught in the sewer system.

Put garbage in a bag in the trash bin

Tulsa Beacon

Additionally, to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19, the City is asking all refuse items be placed in a sealed trash bag that is placed inside your closed gray trash bin to help protect employees. City of Tulsa refuse and recycling services are operating as normal for trash pickup. 

Travel advice

Tulsa Beacon

If traveling domestically or internationally, the Health Department recommends you should monitor your health and practice social distancing for 14 days after returning from travel. Travelers who are sick with fever, cough or have trouble breathing should stay home and call ahead before seeking medical care.  For help, visit:

Pay city bills online

Tulsa Beacon

Residents needing to pay utility bills, municipal traffic tickets and use police and 311 reporting can do so on the City’s E-Services portal at:

No shutoff to water service

Tulsa Beacon

The City and TMUA (Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority) have temporarily stopped water shutoffs. Residents without water should call 311. PSO and ONG have also suspended non-payment disconnections. County suspends evictions, foreclosures Evictions are suspended in Tulsa County. Any tenant who receives an eviction or foreclosure notice does not have to move out until a law…

Oklahoma Senate shuts down

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Senate is closed at least through March 27. “The Senate has not yet learned the results of COVID-19 testing performed on personnel and senators earlier (last) week. We remain in continuous contact with OU Medicine, which is working to get those results. OU Medicine says the private lab with which they have contracted…

Southern Gospel Gathering canceled

Tulsa Beacon

The Free Southern Gospel Worship Gathering scheduled for April 4 at The Assembly of Broken Arrow, 3500 W. New Orleans in Broken Arrow has been canceled due to concerns over the coronavirus.