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The Tulsa Beacon



Lawmaker joins Prison Fellowship

Tulsa Beacon

State Rep. Tammy West, R-Oklahoma City, has been invited to be a member of Faith & Justice Fellowship, a part of Prison Fellowship, which serves prisoners, former prisoners, their families and others affected by crime and incarceration throughout the nation. Prison Fellowship was founded by the late Chuck Colson, a former top aide to President…

Flu and cold seasons are underway

Tulsa Beacon

State health officials say winter brings a higher chance of catching a cold, the flu or even viruses. According to Gitanjali Pai, M.D., AAHIVS, is a physician based in Stilwell, one of the most important ways to stop the spread of disease is also the simplest: Handwashing. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC),…

No Tulsa Beacon January 2

Tulsa Beacon

The Tulsa Beacon publishes 51 weeks a year and skips a week between Christmas and New Year’s. There is no paper on January 2. The December 26th issue has a double portion of standard features (comics, puzzles, columns, etc.). The next edition will be on January 9. The Tulsa Beacon office will be closed from…

Partisan impeachment

Tulsa Beacon

Rep. Horn, D-Okla. votes to impeach the President After a partisan impeachment of President Trump by the Democrat majority in the U.S. House, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blasted a scheme by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate. In fact, Pelosi, who couldn’t even get every Democrat in…

Tribes reject Stitt’s compact extension

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt told all of the tribes who are part of the gambling compact with the state that he has agreed to extend the pact for eight months while negotiations continues. On Dec. 19, the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Commission rejected his offer. The 15-year agreement is set to expire January 1. Under the compact,…

Voting rights bill

Tulsa Beacon

Legislation filed this month would allow voters to decide who is qualified to participate in Oklahoma’s election process. Senate Joint Resolution 23 b State Senator Michael Bergstrom, R-Adair, would allow a vote of the people to amend the Oklahoma Constitution to clarify only citizens of the United States are qualified to vote in Oklahoma. “Currently,…

Petition to legalize recreational marijuana filed with state

Tulsa Beacon

Proponents of the full legalization of recreational marijuana have filed an initiative petition to put it to a vote of the people. They need about 178,000 valid signatures to get it on a ballot. A previous attempt, State Question 797, failed due to a lack of valid signature.  The new proposal would amend the state…

Marijuana Call Center is now open

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Medial Marijuana Authority Call Center is open and taking calls. The call center is staffed with 14 operators trained to answer questions regarding Medical Marijuana in Oklahoma. Authority Interim Director Travis Kirkpatrick said, “It is a two-tier system that will allow the operators to ask for help quickly while keeping customers on the…

Free sterilization sessions for dogs

Tulsa Beacon

Animal Balance, a nonprofit, will partner with the Coalition for Tulsa Pets to provide free spay/neuter services for dogs in the greater Tulsa area. A total of three clinics will be held in 2020, with the first clinic running from January 10th through the 13th at the Tulsa SPCA at 2910 Mohawk Blvd . Free…

Telemedicine is a growth industry

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Telemedicine has become a growth industry worth tens of billions of dollars. By 2025 the market for virtual doctors is expected to exceed $130 billion, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]. Researchers at Global Market Insights say telehealth is “transforming the healthcare industry, and in the next few years,…