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The Tulsa Beacon



Constitutional Carry law took effect Nov. 1

Tulsa Beacon

When Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler was asked what would happen when Oklahoma’s constitutional carry law took effect on November 1, he said, “Nothing.” In a radio interview on Tulsa Beacon Weekend on KCFO AM970, Kunzweiler said basically that criminals will still commit crimes and law-abiding citizens will exercise their constitutional rights. The new…

Wanenmacher Tulsa Arms Show

Tulsa Beacon

The Wanenmacher Tulsa Arms Show, the largest of its kind in the world, is November 9-10 at the Expo Square at the Tulsa Fairgounds. Doors open at 8 a.m. both days. For more information, go to

17.5-year-olds can preregister to vote

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma citizens will be able to pre-register to vote when they turn 17.5 years old thanks to a new law that went into effect on November 1.  Sen. Jason Smalley, R-Stroud, and Rep. Zack Taylor, R-Seminole, authored Senate Bill 496 this past session to make it easier for young voters to remember to get registered…

Smoking in the workplace study

Tulsa Beacon

House Speaker Pro Tempore Harold Wright, R-Weatherford, has scheduled an interim study to examine modernization to the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act as a way to address second-hand smoke exposure in Oklahoma. The House Health Services and Long-Term Care Committee’s study is scheduled for 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, in Room 432-A…

Lawmakers tour Pryor Schools

Tulsa Beacon

State Rep. Tom Gann, R-Inola, helped welcome other lawmakers to Pryor Public Schools in his House District 8 this morning to get a closer look at the district’s successful workforce development programs offered to students from elementary to high school. “Pryor Schools is doing a fantastic job of preparing students not just for higher levels…

More oversight for state agencies

Tulsa Beacon

House Speaker Charles McCall has launched a new initiative to increase legislative oversight and assess the performance of agency governing boards. “The Legislature has been too deferential and hands-off with these governing boards for most of state history, and the House is going to change that,” said McCall, R-Atoka. McCall is assigning House committees to…

Survey: Pastors weren’t overly prepared for retirement

Tulsa Beacon

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Most retirement age pastors and missionaries say their current life is close to ideal, but some who have entered retirement say they could’ve been better prepared. In a survey sponsored by Shepherd’s Fold Ministries, Nashville-based LifeWay Research asked 2,451 pastors, ministers and missionaries who were retired or at least 67 years old…

Folds of Honor helps the families of fallen heroes

Tulsa Beacon

OWASSO (PRNewswire) — Folds of Honor was founded by Captain Dan Rooney above his garage in 2007 with a dream to provide the gift of education to military families impacted by war. A veteran of three combat tours in Iraq, Rooney was recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and today, he has a…

Moody’s Investor’s Service upgrades Oklahoma’s ranking

Tulsa Beacon

State Treasurer Randy McDaniel said Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded the state’s credit outlook from “stable” to “positive.” The rating agency concurrently affirmed Oklahoma’s credit rating of “AA2.” Moody’s action follows a meeting in September with state leaders to provide rating analysts with an update on the economy, credit trends, and policy priorities. “The state’s…

School officials want $220m more

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma State Board of Education wants more tax money. The board approved a Fiscal Year 2021 budget request of $3.29 billion for common education (kindergarten through 12th grade), which includes an increase of nearly $220 million over last year. This year’s request includes an increase of $117.9 million to the state funding formula, to…