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The Tulsa Beacon



New Tulsa Bus Policies

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Transit on September 23 will make a few changes in policy. 1. Drivers will only stop at designated bus stops and won’t stop when they are flagged down by riders. Tulsa is not a flag stop system anymore. This was changed to help buses stay on schedule and for safety reasons. 2. Drivers will…

OSU drones studies could show life-saving capabilities

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER — When storms knock out roads and bridges, one of the biggest challenges for emergency managers is getting supplies into the affected areas. New research at Oklahoma State University is looking to meet that challenge through the air. OSU’s Unmanned System Research Institute has teamed up with Stillwater startup MaxQ to demonstrate the life-saving…

Clorox product used at BA Schools

Tulsa Beacon

BROKEN ARROW (PRNewswire) — A new study, released by Broken Arrow Public Schools and CloroxPro, has shown the positive impact of daily disinfection in a school environment by using the Clorox Total 360 System. After implementing the system daily throughout the 2018-19 school year, environmental swabbing of surfaces disinfected with the Clorox showed a reduction…

Oklahoma infant deaths declining

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma continues to take positive steps to reduce infant deaths.  The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) announced the state’s infant mortality rate (IMR) has decreased by 17% since 2007, equating to 183 more babies able to spend their first birthday with their families.  “As we experience progress in eight of nine primary measures, including…

Maj. Gen. Glen Moore in the HofF

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – For nearly 40 years the Oklahoma Army National Guard has benefited from the leadership of Maj. Gen. Glen E. Moore. From the rank of second lieutenant all the way to major general, Moore has always put his service to the National Guard before anything else.  For this selfless dedication to state and…

E-cigarettes affect college students

Tulsa Beacon

College students may not have a reputation for the best sleep habits, but a recently published study indicates cigarette and e-cigarette use isn’t doing them any favors. Researchers at Oklahoma State University’s Behavior Change Lab surveyed 1,664 college students — 41 percent of whom reported ever trying or currently using e-cigarettes and 29 percent of…

Bill bans federal ‘red flag’ laws

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma lawmakers are concerned that Congress will enact “red flag” laws in an over-reaction to a handful of mass shootings. Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has filed Senate Bill 1081 to push back against any proposed red flag laws coming from the federal government. The bill, titled the “Anti-Red Flag Act,” would pre-empt all current…

Hospital lawsuits target insured, Medicaid patients

Tulsa Beacon

Hospitals in Oklahoma and across the nation have come under fire for filing lawsuits against patients for unpaid medical bills. In Oklahoma, hospital officials have suggested that expanding Medicaid to include able-bodied adults would significantly reduce such patient lawsuits. “Hospitals treat patients in medical emergencies before asking any questions about payment or insurance coverage, as…

Survey shows pastors have difficulties navigating music

Tulsa Beacon

For most pastors, the so-called “worship wars” over the style of the music used in their church have subsided, if they ever even felt that pressure. A new study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research found 15% of Protestant pastors in the U.S. say the biggest challenge they face in the area of music is navigating the…

Centenarians of Oklahoma are seeking 100-year-olds

Tulsa Beacon

How many people who are 100 or older are living in Oklahoma? More than 235, according to Centenarians of Oklahoma, a nonprofit volunteer group in Tulsa dedicated to tracking down centenarians and bestowing on them the honor they are due. “Our sole purpose is to honor (at no cost) Oklahoma citizens who have reached the…