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The Tulsa Beacon



Lecture series will focus on the history of World War I

Tulsa Beacon

Professor Darin Combs will speak on “The Russian Revolution and World War I” as part of the World War I public lecture series on from 7-8 p.m. September 17 at Tulsa Community College, 910 S. Boston. The free lecture will be in the Event Hall of the McKeon Center for Creativity. The next lectures are:…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders at COO

Tulsa Beacon

POINT LOOKOUT, MO. — College of the Ozarks will host Sarah Huckabee Sanders as the speaker for the Leonard B. and Edith Gittinger Community Convocation on October 10. The convocation is open to the public. Limited seating is available. Tickets are required and available online at This event will take place in the Howell…

Political correctness excuses felonies

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 30 — There are no more criminals living in San Francisco. In a decision that some would consider an extreme example of political correctness the city’s Board of Supervisors has proclaimed that “convicted felons” will now be known as “justice involved persons.” And, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC], when…

Police watch speeders in September

Tulsa Beacon

During the month of September, the Tulsa Police Department will focus on posted speed violations and hazardous moving violations in active school zones (lights flashing) throughout the City of Tulsa.  Tulsa Police traffic officers and motorcycle officers will be randomly monitoring active school zones within the City of Tulsa during this action.  A citation issued…

Early detection of prostate cancer

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men, and while it typically grows slowly, it can be deadly. Physicians at Stephenson Cancer Center at OU Medicine recommend that men begin annual prostate cancer screening at age 50 — earlier if family history suggests greater risk. Urologic oncologist Michael Cookson,…

Census preparation in Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma House of Representatives Speaker Charles McCall announced that the House will again use the redistricting process that was last used in 2011. In addition, the House will enhance the process further by soliciting input from the Oklahoma Supreme Court, executive branch and state, county and local officials in its redistricting effort,…

Home Affordability

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa is near the bottom in national real estate study Tulsa’s Real-Estate Market Health (1=Best; 150=Avg.) 211th – % of homes with negative equity 225th – Average days until sale 176th – Median home-price appreciation 263rd – Job growth rate 149th – Foreclosure rate 222nd – % of delinquent mortgage holders 207th – No. of…

Lt. J.G. Isaac Leskowat carries on his family tradition

Tulsa Beacon

GULFPORT, Miss. – “We Build, We Fight” has been the motto of the U. S. Navy’s Construction Force, known as the “Seabees,” for more than 75 years. Lt. J.G. Isaac Leskowat, a native of Tulsa, builds and fights around the world as a member of naval construction battalion center located in Gulfport, Mississippi. Leskowat is…

Gov. Stitt forms state committee to help with the census

Tulsa Beacon

Governor Kevin Stitt kicked off the 2020 Census Symposium on August 26 at MetroTech Conference Center with the announcement of Executive Order 2019-32, which establishes the Oklahoma Census 2020 Complete Count Committee. “A complete and accurate count of Oklahoma’s population is vital to the success of our state,” said Stitt. “With this Executive Order, I…

New intergovernmental employee

Tulsa Beacon

Mayor G.T. Bynum has hired Jed Cochran as the “Chief of Intergovernmental Relations” for the City of Tulsa beginning Sept. 16. Cochran will coordinate regional, state, federal and tribal relations for the city, and will be a Veterans Affairs liaison. Cochran will also help develop and manage state, federal and private foundation grants. Cochran previously…