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The Tulsa Beacon



South African hero Charl van Wyk will speak in Tulsa on July 23rd

Tulsa Beacon

The Tulsa Chapter of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association will host “An Evening with South African National Hero Charl van Wyk” at 6:30 p.m. July 23 at the American Legion Post 1, 1120 E. 8th St. in Downtown Tulsa. Van Wyk will talk about what happened when terrorists attacked his church in South Africa. Eleven…

Levee Request

Tulsa Beacon

Stitt sends a letter asking to shore up Tulsa’s levees Gov. Kevin Stitt and three Tulsa area mayors sent a letter the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers asking that they speed up the feasibility study on the Tulsa-West Tulsa Levee System. Stitt wants it completed by the end of December. The levee system protected much…

New rules for using pot are on the way

Tulsa Beacon

State officials are taking steps to make sure Oklahoma’s skyrocketing marijuana industry is conforming to recently passed legislation. “The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) has reinstituted a project management structure to ensure compliance and timely implementation of the changes,” said Tom Bates, Interim Commissioner of Health. That means creating rules, changes in technology and other…

Stitt moves to renegotiate the state’s casino gambling pact

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt wants to renegotiate the gambling compacts between the state and the tribal governments. The compacts expire January 1, 2020. Some tribal leaders don’t want any changes and claim that if they don’t like Stitt’s changes, the pact will automatically continue for another 15 years under the same terms. Attorneys for the state…

Stitt restricts external lobbyist deals

Tulsa Beacon

With an executive order, Gov. Kevin Stitt, R-Tulsa, is making permanent the restriction on state agencies entering into contracts with external lobbyists. “When taking office, I uncovered that several state agencies were collectively spending more than $1 million annually on contract lobbyists to advocate for their own special interests to the Legislature and the executive…

Silver Dollar City named Top 5

Tulsa Beacon

BRANSON, Missouri – Silver Dollar City has been named as one of the Top 5 Amusement Parks in the country, according to the national USA Today 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. The 1880s-style theme park was chosen as a nominee by a panel of amusement and theme park experts consisting of USA Today editors, editors…

Ruling to stop robocalls to seniors

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D,C. – Seniors may get robocall relief if a new Federal Communications Commission [FCC] ruling prompts phone companies to implement technologies that automatically block them. Dan Weber, an advocate for older Americans, says the ruling is a step in the right direction. The president of the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] reports that…

Blinded Vets group meets in Tulsa

Tulsa Beacon

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Blinded Veteran’s Association’s 74th Annual Convention will be hosted at the Tulsa Marriot Southern Hills Hotel August 12-16. The annual event brings together the top leadership of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) along with academics, industry leaders and government officials to discuss issues and challenges facing the disabled…

More meetings on Nov. 12 tax hike

Tulsa Beacon

Three more public meetings have been scheduled to sell the tax hike proposal by Mayor G.T. Bynum and the City Council. The tax increase, if passed, would run 6.5 years and cost taxpayers $639,000,000.00. The next three meetings all will begin at 6 p.m.. The dates and locations are as follows: July 25, Girl Scouts…

Preventing children from drowning

Tulsa Beacon

In effort to help prevent injury and drowning, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) encourages the public to use caution and practice water safety. In Oklahoma, there were 296 drowning deaths reported from 2015-2018. Among adults, the most common places for drowning were natural bodies of water such as lakes, ponds, rivers, etc. One…