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The Tulsa Beacon



DNA field testing passed

Tulsa Beacon

The use of rapid DNA field testing technology by law enforcement is one step from becoming law.  Senate Bill 184, which would use the technology to quickly determine if an arrestee is already in the system for a previous serious offense, is headed to the governor’s desk for review. SB 184, authored by Sen. Wayne…

Rape kit legislation OK

Tulsa Beacon

The Senate gave unanimous final approval to legislation which authorizes the use of one standardized sexual assault evidence kit by all law enforcement agencies statewide.  Rep. Kay Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, said she authored Senate Bill 975 to address the state’s backlog of untested rape kits and to get victims justice faster. In 2017, the Oklahoma…

National measles epidemic could spread to Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma has not experienced any confirmed cases of measles in 2019, but with numerous cases in surrounding states and across the nation, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) is encouraging families to review their immunization records, and plan ahead in case you need to get vaccinated before upcoming international travel. Although measles was declared…

Sierra Leone telephone scam alert

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter issued a consumer alert early in May after a rash of scam phone calls from Sierra Leone have swamped Oklahomans with Tulsa area codes. Local authorities believe the calls are part of a scam known as a wangiri scam, or one ring phone scam, where an individual’s phone will only…

Unwanted pesticide disposal event

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER – It is a sure bet a quick look through just about any barn, storage building or garage in Oklahoma will turn up some old, unused pesticides. Instead of letting these chemicals take up space, make plans to properly dispose of them during an upcoming pesticide disposal event. Scheduled for May 21 at McAlester,…

Address notification to state voters

Tulsa Beacon

Over 181,000 registered voters in Oklahoma will receive an official Address Confirmation Notice from the State Election Board over the next two months. The notices are required by state law. State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax encourages any voter who  receives an Address Confirmation Notice to quickly respond. “A voter who receives an Address Confirmation…

Bynum hires New York bureaucrat

Tulsa Beacon

Mayor G.T. Bynum has hired Krystal Reyes as the Chief Resilience Officer (CRO) for the City of Tulsa effective immediately. The Office of Resilience and Equity records human rights’ complaints and uses “equality indicators” to address “racial disparity.” Reyes was director of community engagement for the Division of Family and Child Health at the New…

Cops watch for school zone speeders

Tulsa Beacon

During the month of May, the Tulsa Police Department will focus on posted speed violations and hazardous moving violations in active school zones (lights flashing) throughout the city. Tulsa Police traffic officers and motorcycle officers will be randomly monitoring active school zones within the City of Tulsa.  A citation issued for speeding in a school…

Bill to deliver help for mental health needs of students

Tulsa Beacon

The Senate approved Senate Bill 446 to better prepare teachers and other school employees to deal with the growing mental health needs of Oklahoma public school students.  Sen. John Haste, R-Broken Arrow, and Rep. Sheila Dills, R-Tulsa, authored the legislation requiring the State Department of Education and the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse…

Tax break for foster families

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma’s more than 4,100 foster families will soon get some financial relief following the signing of Senate Bill 893.  Sen. Paul Scott, R-Duncan, and Rep. Rande Worthen, R-Lawton, authored the bill, which will provide a $5,000 state income tax exemption for anyone contracting with a child-placing agency for taxable years beginning on or after January…