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The Tulsa Beacon



Cracking down on illegal passing

Tulsa Beacon

A bill allowing law enforcement to use cameras on school buses to track down drivers who illegally pass stopped buses was signed into law last week. House Bill 1926, by Rep. Dell Kerbs, R-Shawnee, and Sen. Ron Sharp, R-Shawnee, requires a minimum ticket of $100 for drivers who break this law. It also requires 75…

Undercover cops’ confidentiality

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt has signed legislation into law to protect the confidentiality of undercover law officers.  Senate Bill 679 was authored by Sen. Darrell Weaver, R-Moore.   “As the former Director of the Bureau of Narcotics, I recognized the roll of the undercover, covert agent in our state is different than a uniform patrol officer. The…

Stitt names LaFortune

Tulsa Beacon

Governor Kevin Stitt announced today five appointments to the State Board of Corrections – including former Tulsa First Lady Kathy LaFortune. “I am pleased to welcome five new members to the State Board of Corrections,” said Stitt. “They will each bring a diverse perspective to the Department of Corrections in order to implement needed change…

Stitt declares state of emergency following April 30 storms

Tulsa Beacon

Governor Kevin Stitt declared a state of emergency for 52 counties – including Tulsa, Wagoner, Rogers, Washington, Creek, Osage and Okmulgee – due to severe storms, tornadoes, straight-line winds and flooding that began April 30. Those counties are: Adair, Atoka, Bryan, Canadian, Carter, Cherokee, Choctaw, Cleveland, Coal, Comanche, Cotton, Craig, Creek, Delaware, Garvin, Grady, Haskell,…

Tulsa officials trying to stop spread of canine distemper

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Tulsa Animal Welfare staff is taking measures to stop the spread of canine distemper virus (CDV) following confirmation of several cases since late March, said Animal Welfare Manager Jean Letcher. “Three weeks ago, two dogs tested positive for the virus, and since then, more cases have surfaced. This is a new and…

Gun report gives state high marks

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma leads the nation in the category of Second Amendment rights’ contributions to congressional members (per capita), according the WalletHub’s “2019’s States Most Dependent on the Gun Industry.” To determine the states that depend most heavily on the arms and ammunitions industry both directly for jobs and political contributions and indirectly through firearm ownership, WalletHub…

Buy gas on Tuesdays in Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

Americans have been getting hit hard at the pump with average gasoline prices in the United States up 50 cents per gallon since January. With many metro areas across the nation seeing the largest seasonal rise in prices since 2012, GasBuddy released a new study that found the best and worst days of the week…

‘Kid in the Book’ at Jenks Bible Church

Tulsa Beacon

Jenks Bible Church, 708 W. Main, Jenks, will host “Kid in the Book” – a free event for children grades 1-5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on June 29. Conducted by a skilled instructor, this eight-hour seminar reveals the “big picture” of the Old Testament through a unique, fun, kinetic style of learning, a…

Tulsa Parks seek camp counselors

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa Parks have openings for day camp counselors for camps this summer at Hicks Park, 3443 S. Mingo Road; Lacy Park, 2134 N. Madison Ave.; Reed Park, 4233 S. Yukon Ave.; and Whiteside Park, 4009 S. Pittsburg Ave. Day camps offer activities for children ages 6 to 12 including sports, games, arts and crafts, special…

Lakin to speak at TCC graduation

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa City Councilor Phil Lakin will be speaker for the Tulsa Community College Commencement Ceremony May 12 at The Pavilion at Expo Square, 4145 E. 21st Street. For the first time, TCC graduation will be split into two ceremonies with graduates from the Schools of Business & Information Technology, Nursing, Visual & Performing Arts and…