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The Tulsa Beacon



Bill to reverse medical abortions

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma House passed Senate Bill 614, by Sen. Julie Daniels, R-Bartlesville, which requires abortionists to tell women who have begun drug-induced abortions about an antidote that can reverse the abortion drug. Pro-abortion Democrats opposed the bill. “Whether you’re pro-life or pro-choice, this is a bad bill,” said Rep. Meloyde Blancett, D-Tulsa, who is pro-abortion….

Handguns on campuses

Tulsa Beacon

The Senate Education Committee approved House Bill 2336, by Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, would allow a local board of education to adopt a policy to authorize the carrying of a handgun onto school property by school personnel who hold a valid reserve peace officer certification or who possess a valid handgun license. “Schools can decide…

Official state nebula picked

Tulsa Beacon

The Legislature passed House Bill 1292, which designates the Rosette Nebula as the state astronomical object. It passed the Senate 31-12. House Bill 1292, by Rep. Nicole Miller, R-Edmond, names the Rosette Nebula in the Monoceros constellation as the official astronomical object of Oklahoma. “Our state has a long connection with the space industry,” Miller…

Higher caps for voucher program

Tulsa Beacon

Sen. Jason Smalley, R-Stroud, is supporting amended legislation to raise the cap on the Equal Opportunity Education Program when it comes back to the Senate.  SB 407, as amended, proposes to increase the annual tax credit cap for contributions to eligible scholarship-granting organizations from $3.5 million to $15 million. The bill would also increase the…

Stitt signs the ‘Step Therapy’ bill

Tulsa Beacon

A bill intended to protect patients from a harmful insurance practice known as ‘step therapy’ has been signed into law by Governor Kevin Stitt. Senate Bill 509, authored by Rep. Cyndi Munson, D-Oklahoma City, and Sen. Dave Rader, R-Tulsa, requires any health insurance plan that utilizes a step therapy protocol to establish guidelines governing the…

Stillborn children remains’ bill

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma House approved legislation giving parents of stillborn children the opportunity to direct where their child’s remains are placed. Senate Bill 284, by Sen. Stephanie Bice, R-Oklahoma City, and Rep. Sean Roberts, R-Hominy, also requires medical facilities maintain a written policy for the disposition of the remains of a child from stillbirth or fetal…

Alive from OK is in tune with Alive from New York May 5th

Tulsa Beacon

NY abortion vote triggered an idea On May 4, Tulsa will take a part in a national effort to help men, women and families to preserve the sanctity of life. “Alive from OK” is a local version of “Alive from New York” – a program from Focus on the Family designed “to celebrate the sanctity…

Sen. Inhofe, Sen. Lankford get high conservative rankings

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma senators Jim Inhofe and James Lankford each got a 91 percent score from The American Conservative Union Foundation’s (ACUF) 48th Edition of its annual ratings of Congress. U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Oklahoma, got a rating of 80 percent while former Rep. Steve Russell was rated at 88 percent. Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Oklahoma, was at…

Disaster planning for spring weather

Tulsa Beacon

Disasters can alter a family’s normal routine with little warning. Neighborhood streets can be closed because of large debris or downed power lines. Suddenly, an area that is a familiar part of a normal daily routine is now unrecognizable. In times like this, it is crucial for a family to have a plan to reunite…

Stitt tabs Gen. Ben Robinson (ret.)

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt has appointed retired Air Force Gen. Ben Robinson as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Military, a cabinet position that requires Senate confirmation. “Gen. Ben Robinson bravely served our country in the United States Air Force, and continues to contribute to Oklahoma’s veterans and military community every day,” said Stitt. “He is…