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The Tulsa Beacon



Major school-choice bills filed in OK Senate

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma families across the state could use taxpayer funds to pay for private-school tuition under legislation filed in the state Senate. The bills, if passed, would provide the largest expansion of school-choice opportunity in state history. “It’s time to empower Oklahoma parents to be able to choose the best education for their own children, regardless…

$541M Education Bill

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, released his public education agenda Wednesday, which he believes will improve public education outcomes for Oklahoma children. In his agenda, Pugh, who is the Senate education committee chairman, outlined four pillars under which he plans to file bills to improve public education in Oklahoma. The four incentive areas…

Sen. Adam Pugh’s 2023 Public Education Plan

Tulsa Beacon

Recruit / Retain / Reward / Reform   Recruit SB 529 – $15 million- Create Oklahoma Teacher Corps – provide scholarships to students who enter Oklahoma Colleges of Education, graduate and receive teaching certificate. Those who pass their program must commit four years of service in a Title I school or pay scholarship amount back…

Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Sen. Micheal Bergstrom, R-Adair, has filed Senate Bill 814, the Oklahoma Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act, prohibiting credit card companies from sharing information about lawful firearm and ammunition purchases. His legislation would allow citizens and merchants to file lawsuits and seek damages against those who violate SB 814’s provisions. Bergstrom said he’s…

Rep. Josh West Refiles Data Privacy Bill

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Josh West, R-Grove has refiled legislation that would require consumer consent for all personal data collection and sharing by major technology companies operating in the state. House Bill 1030 would create the Oklahoma Computer Data Privacy Act. “Major technology companies track our every conversation, our spending records, our movements and so…

Davis Files “Andy’s Law” after Young Victim of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Dean Davis, R-Broken Arrow, this week filed legislation that would require a carbon monoxide poisoning warning sticker on motorized boats that operate in Oklahoma waters. House Bill 2010, known as “Andy’s Law,” is named after Andrew Free, a nine-year-old Broken Arrow boy who died in 2020 of open-air carbon monoxide poisoning…

Senate finishes bill filing for 2023 session

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Senate has completed filing bills for the First Session of the 59th Legislature.  The deadline was Thursday, Jan. 19.  A total of 1,116 Senate Bills and 18 Senate Joint Resolutions were filed. The Thursday deadline did not apply to appropriations bills, which can be filed throughout the session. Senate rules also…

House finishes bill filing for 2023 session

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma House of Representatives completed bill filing Thurs., Jan. 19, for the first session of the 59th Legislature. A total of 1,901 House Bills and 44 House Joint Resolutions were filed. One House Resolution was filed outlining House Rules and was adopted on Organizational Day earlier this month. The full text…

Oversight Bill for the Turnpike Authority

Tulsa Beacon

Senate Bill 199, authored by Senator Standridge (R-Norman), is the first of several bills written this session to add oversight, accountability, and citizen protections into the Turnpike Enabling Act. SB 199 seeks to create a Joint Legislative Task Force “for the purpose of studying the functions, activities, policies, procedures and expenditures performed by the (Turnpike)…

Higher egg prices are the new normal

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER, Okla. – Record-high egg prices are making headlines right now, but when can consumers expect some relief? Oklahoma State University Extension specialists say several factors are to blame for the significant price spike, and the sticker shock is expected to continue through the first quarter of 2023. At this time in 2021, eggs were…