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The Tulsa Beacon



Moratorium on pot licenses Aug. 26

Tulsa Beacon

The moratorium on processing applications for new grower, processor and dispensary marijuana licenses begins Aug. 26, not Aug. 1 as previously stated in communications from OMMA. OMMA made an error interpreting the effective date of HB 3208, the legislation creating the moratorium. The language in the bill states the moratorium begins Aug. 1, but the…

Balloon Festival in Shawnee Aug. 12-13

Tulsa Beacon

SHAWNEE — Vibrant hot air balloons will take to the skies  as the Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) hosts its fifth annual FireLake Fireflight Balloon Festival on  Aug. 12-13. The free two-day festival offers a wide range of activities with live music, a 5K race, balloon glows and more. The family-friendly  festival was recently recognized as…

State revenues for oil and gas continue setting records

Tulsa Beacon

State collections from oil and gas production again climbed to record levels in July, only a month after setting an all-time high, State Treasurer Randy McDaniel said. Total collections in July of $1.38 billion are 13.3 % higher than receipts in July of last year. Receipts from the gross production tax on oil and gas…

Study on Adoption, Foster Care

Tulsa Beacon

Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, a group of legislators will soon host an interim study to examine adoption and the foster care system within Oklahoma. Reps. Brian Hill, R-Mustang, Brad Boles, R-Marlow, and Dick Lowe, R-Amber, requested Interim Study 22-074 to take an in-depth look at possible avenues…

The wheat harvest drought was ugly for state farmers

Tulsa Beacon

STILLWATER – Oklahoma’s hard red winter wheat harvest is complete as farmers close the book on a season plagued by drought. Amanda de Oliveira Silva, Oklahoma State University Extension small grains specialist, said yields varied across the state depending on rainfall. Many fields in southwest Oklahoma were abandoned, and other dry areas reported anywhere from…

Mullin/Shannon runoff highlights August 23rd ballot

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa County voters will have some homework to do in the upcoming August 23 runoff election with races for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, county commissioner, state school superintendent, state treasurer, labor commissioner and Corporation Commission. Voters in the city limits of Tulsa will also vote for one council seat and three amendments to the City…

Tulsa District sanctioned for teaching Critical Race Theory

Tulsa Beacon

The State Board of Education has voted to sanction Tulsa Public Schools by significantly reducing its accreditation status after Tulsa was found to have violated a state law that bars various types of race-based ideology in school settings. The board lowered Tulsa’s accreditation to one step above probation, imposing a harsher sanction than the minimum…

School accounting problems

Tulsa Beacon

A cursory review of the state’s Oklahoma Cost Accounting System (OCAS), a program that compiles financial data from all public-school districts, quickly identified significant irregularities, including reports showing Oklahoma schools spent nearly a quarter-million dollars on firearms that were labelled as nutrition services and other non-weapon categories. “In the 2020-2021 academic year, districts spent $257,425…

More American families are choosing to homeschool kids

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The numbers of parents opting to homeschool their kids is on the rise in the U.S. for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is to provide religious or moral instruction. The Census Bureau reports that in the spring prior to the onset of the pandemic about 3% of children…

Library policy lacks common sense

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Rep. Kevin West, R-Moore, commented on a new policy at the Oklahoma City-area’s Metropolitan Library System that prohibits employees from providing help with any abortion-related searches by patrons. An article in The Oklahoman on July 22, drew attention to the policy. According to the article, guidance emailed to library employees stated that…