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The Tulsa Beacon



Church security seminar June 18th

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Church Security Association (OCSA) will hold a Basic Church Security Seminar, June 18, at Grove First Baptist Church, 501 East 13th Street.  The seminar will begin at 8 a.m. and last until 5 p.m.  There will no charge but an offering will be taken. This seminar presents an overview of the subjects taught…

Legislature ponders federal funding

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Legislature called a concurrent special session last week to facilitate the spending of the $1.8 billion in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. This lets the Legislature continue to be involved in how to spend the money. As of last week, $17.8 million in requests have been received by a committee for about…

Budget agreement calls for tax cuts

Tulsa Beacon

State savings deposits and more money returned to taxpayers highlight the Fiscal Year 2023 state budget agreement, which also funds law enforcement at record levels, eliminates the developmentally disabled services waiting list, fights federal overreach, and makes investments in economic development. The FY 2023 legislatively-appropriated budget is $9.7 billion, which is 9.7%, or $858.9 million,…

Liability for performing abortions

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma House of Representatives approved House Bill 4327 as amended by the Oklahoma Senate. HB4327, authored by Rep. Wendi Stearman, R-Collinsville, in the House and Sen. Julie Daniels, R-Bartlesville, in the Senate, provides civil liability for anyone performing or abetting an abortion in Oklahoma. Structured much like the “Heartbeat” bill recently passed in this…

Legal protections for firefighters

Tulsa Beacon

Legislation giving firefighters statutory authority to transport patients to the hospital in emergency situations has been signed into law. Senate Bill 1515, by Sen. Darrell Weaver, R-Moore, and Rep. Mike Osburn, R-Edmond, was signed by Gov. Kevin Stitt on Monday. Weaver filed the legislation in response to a situation where an Oklahoma City firefighter was…

Poultry decisions back to the state

Tulsa Beacon

Governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill that would localize the promulgation of poultry feeding rules through the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture and Forestry (ODAFF). House Bill 2983, authored by Rep. David Hardin, R-Stilwell, puts rulemaking power into the hands of ODAFF rather than the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS),…

Changes in marriage license laws

Tulsa Beacon

HB 3075, by Rep. Bob Ed Culver, R-Tahlequah,  would modify language in statutes regarding marriage licenses and name changes. “This bill is a simple but important one that provides cleanup language for some of our statutes regarding the issuance of marriage licenses and name changes,” Culver said. HB3075 provides that any reissued marriage certificate contain…

Plan to make June 14 Trump Day

Tulsa Beacon

Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, filed Senate Resolution 47 to memorialize June 14, 2022, as President Donald J. Trump Day in the state, which is Trump’s birthday, the birthday of the U.S. Army, and Flag Day. “If we can spend time during the legislative session to designate Golf Day, create an official state theater, and…

Mental health aid to state students

Tulsa Beacon

Schools will be better able to address the mental health needs of their students beginning this coming academic year following the signing of Senate Bill 626. The measure, by Sen. David Bullard, R-Durant, and Rep. Randy Randleman, R-Eufaula, requires mental health facilities providing inpatient mental health care services for minors to share with parents the…

Four legislative races here

Tulsa Beacon

In the Tulsa area, there is only one Senate seat and only three Representative seats on the ballot in the June 28 primary. And all four primary races are among Republicans. The winners of the Senate race will be elected because no one else filed and one of the three House seats will also result…