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The Tulsa Beacon



Critical Race Theory is taught in Okla. public schools

Tulsa Beacon

When House Bill 1775 became law in 2021, banning the teaching of certain concepts broadly associated with Critical Race Theory (CRT), opponents claimed CRT was not taught in Oklahoma schools. Critics continue to make that claim today. But a recent request from the Oklahoma Education Association (OEA), the state’s largest teachers’ union, indicates that union…

Department of Corrections proposes significant pay raises

Tulsa Beacon

A proposal to give state correctional and pardon and parole officers a significant pay raise has been announced by the state Department of Corrections (DOC), a move largely facilitated by Rep. Justin JJ Humphrey, R-Lane. Under the plan, correctional officers would receive a 30% pay increase, and probation and parole officers would see an increase…

Apply for June 28 absentee ballots

Tulsa Beacon

Voters in Tulsa County who want absentee ballots mailed to them for the June 28 federal, state and county primary election plus the City of Sand Springs General Obligation Bond 4 Proposition Special should apply now, County Election Board Secretary Gwen Freeman said. The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot is June 13. Voters can…

Broadband service for SoonerCare

Tulsa Beacon

A majority of the SoonerCare population now has access to a long-term benefit to help lower the cost of broadband service. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a federal program administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that helps low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices like a laptop or tablet. A household…

Heart attack prevention strategies

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D.C.– The Chinese coronarvirus killed some 460,000 Americans  last year, heart disease killed nearly 700,000 people in the U.S. in the same period. The fact is that heart attacks are the number one cause of death in America and throughout the world. So, the announcement that scientists are testing a way to prevent heart…

Snakes can be dangerous in Okla.

Tulsa Beacon

During the spring, warmer temperatures and rain mean an increase in calls to the Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information (OCPDI) regarding snakebites. Specialists at the center work closely with physicians around the state to provide the best treatment advice for nearly 300 snakebite patients each year. Oklahoma has three types of venomous snakes,…

The Great Reset: Globalists want to start a war between U.S./NATO and Russia

Tulsa Beacon

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is a prelude to military involvement by America and NATO that is being orchestrated by proponents of The Great Reset (New World Order) to change the lives of everyone in the world. That was part of the message of Dr. J.B. Hixson, PhD., during a report at the Mid-America…

Laws passed to control marijuana

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Legislature has taken steps to more clearly outline illegal activities concerning the production, distribution and use of marijuana for medical purposes. The Senate passed Senate Bill 1367 increases the penalties for those who purchase medical marijuana and then sell the product to non-cardholders. Sen. Lonnie Paxton, R-Tuttle, authored the legislation he said will…

Imagination Library is expanding

Tulsa Beacon

Now that Oklahoma’s Imagination Library will be expanding to all 77 counties, the legislators who authored the measure creating the state’s program are working to help spread the news. Sen. John Haste, R-Broken Arrow and Rep. Tammy Townley, R-Ardmore, were co-authors of the 2020 legislation. The Imagination Library is the creation of singer, songwriter, actress…

Fines for catalytic converter thefts

Tulsa Beacon

Stiff signed into law a bill that increases the punishment for theft of catalytic converters, tires and wheels from a vehicle. House Bill 4373 modifies the elements of third-degree burglary to include the theft of these vehicle parts and provides that the fine for such crime will be up to $5,000. It takes effect Nov….