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The Tulsa Beacon



More job help for released prisoners

Tulsa Beacon

Bipartisanship opened doors for a new law that creates employment opportunities for Oklahomans recently released from state custody. House Bill 3002, by Sen. Zack Taylor and Rep. Cyndi Munson, amends the requirements and qualifications for five occupational licenses. The licensure changes involve the Oklahoma scrap metal dealers, the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, motor vehicle…

New law encourages direct flights

Tulsa Beacon

Legislation aimed at increasing the number of direct flights to Oklahoma has now been signed into law. Senate Bill 1461, by Sen. Paul Rosino, R-Oklahoma City, creates the Oklahoma Air Service Development Grant Program  (OASDGP), which will be administered by the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission (OAC). Under SB 1461, grant funding can be used for commercial…

Protection for the energy industry

Tulsa Beacon

Stitt signed a new law that would require the state to divest from any financial company that boycotts the energy industry. House Bill 2034, the Energy Discrimination Elimination Act of 2022, is authored by Rep. Mark McBride, R-Moore. McBride said, “For more than 100 years, Oklahoma has been a major oil and gas producing state….

Teacher certification streamlined

Tulsa Beacon

The path for teacher candidates to become certified teachers has become more direct after House Bill 3658 was signed into law. Rep. Danny Sterling, R-Tecumseh, authored House Bill 3658 to streamline the certification process and address the teacher shortage. HB3658 removes the requirement that teacher candidates must pass the general education portion of the Oklahoma…

2022 Vote: Two Tulsa County Commissioner spots are open

Tulsa Beacon

Due to an early retirement, Tulsa County voters will elect two county commissioner this year. District 1 Commissioner Stan Sallee, a Republican, will take on Democrat challenger Sean Johnson on November 8. Both are from Collinsville. The District 3 slot is open due to the retirement of Commissioner Ron Peters. Three Republicans,  Margie Alfonzo, Tulsa,…

New center is coming to Route 66

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa officials picked Sharp Development to lead the development of a new Route 66 mixed-use project that to be constructed on two acres of city-owned land at 815 S. Riverside Drive across the street from the Cyrus Avery Centennial Plaza. The development will consist of a Route 66 Interpretive Center, studio and 2-bedroom apartment units,…

Tulsa Animal Shelter is closed due to distemper outbreak

Tulsa Beacon

City of Tulsa Animal Welfare (TAW) is taking proactive measures to stop the spread of canine distemper virus (CDV). Starting May 6, TAW closed indefinitely while it works to treat animals and prevent further spread. In early March, TAW shortened hours of operation to contain a few isolated cases – a measure that has continued…

Watch out for poison ivy infection

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – An expert in disguise, poison ivy may often be mistaken for a weed growing along your back fence, near a pathway at your local park, or deep in the woods. Knowing what poison ivy looks like is key to preventing exposures. According to Scott Schaeffer, managing director of the Oklahoma Center for…

Tulsa Parks needs more lifeguards

Tulsa Beacon

A lifeguard shortage could delay summer fun at Tulsa Parks community pools. Through a partnership with the Tulsa County Bar Association, Tulsa Parks will host three free classes for lifeguard certification. The only requirement to attend the class is to commit to working for Tulsa Parks as a lifeguard this summer. It can cost up…

Be careful raising chickens at home

Tulsa Beacon

OKLAHOMA CITY – Each year, as spring arrives, many people begin or continue raising backyard poultry flocks. These flocks have been gaining in popularity over the past several years and interest in them continues to grow. “The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) wants to remind flock owners to learn about and practice essential prevention…