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The Tulsa Beacon



Repairs underway on the Arkansas River 71st Street Bridge

Tulsa Beacon

City of Tulsa Street Maintenance personnel are working on emergency joint and panel repairs on the 71st Street bridge over the Arkansas River through the month of April into early May. During this work, traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction on the bridge.  Gov. Kevin Stitt issued a proclamation for April…

Tulsans win Milken Education awards

Tulsa Beacon

Science teacher Tamarah Danzy and principal Aubrey Flowers have received the national Milken Educator Award. Milken Educator Awards Senior Program Director Greg Gallagher and state officials presented the prestigious awards, each of which comes with $25,000. Danzy teaches science at the Union Eighth Grade Center in Broken Arrow, within the Union Public Schools district. She…

Weight loss and slow metabolism

Tulsa Beacon

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Weight loss jokes such as the one that goes, “I’m on a seafood diet. When I see food I eat it,” might give you a laugh but they won’t help you lose weight. After all as we age our metabolism slows down and that’s what causes those extra pounds. Right? Wrong!  Researchers…

Extended hours for blood donations

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma Blood Institute has less than half of the blood supply needed, threatening a critical blood shortage for local patients, and creating an immediate need for blood donors. The national blood supply has stayed near emergency levels for months, having never recovered from COVID-related challenges. Oklahoma’s supply has faced similar challenges, as well as blood…

Low-cost course options at TCC

Tulsa Beacon

High school juniors and seniors across the state have an expanded opportunity for a low-cost college option through dual credit, also called concurrent enrollment. Tulsa Community College is launching High School Plus One across Oklahoma providing virtual college courses for eligible high school juniors and seniors beginning Fall 2022. This means high school students can…

Silver Service event on May 21st

Tulsa Beacon

Silver Service members are inviting the public to a luncheon at 11:45 a.m. on May 21 at Oaks Country Club. An auction will be held at 10:30 a.m. A book review of Life of the Party by Pamela Digby (presented by Mary Helen Stanley) will follow the lunch. Silver Service is a Tulsa organization founded…

Bike lane project starts Downtown

Tulsa Beacon

A project to install bike lanes on West 11th Street from Boulder Avenue to Denver Avenue, and then on West 12th Street between Denver Avenue and Southwest Boulevard has started. Completion of the project is scheduled for mid-May or sooner, depending on weather conditions. Lane closures will alternate between the curb lanes and the inside…

State road projects get underway

Tulsa Beacon

At its April 4, meeting, the Oklahoma Transportation Commission approved a nearly $75 million contract for reconstruction of the US-62 bridges over the Arkansas River in Muskogee. The project, which also includes rehabilitation of the nearby US-62 bridges over North 55th St. and the Union Pacific Railroad, is expected to take about two years to…

State Judicial Center

Heavy slate of candidates expected during filing period

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahomans will get a list of candidates for a host of offices – including for governor, two U.S. Senate seats and five seats in the U.S. House – as candidates file for office this week. Candidate filing is April 13-15, Oklahoma State Election Board Secretary Paul Ziriax said. Candidates filing for federal, state, legislative, judicial,…

Panelist claims OU football celebrates white supremacy

Tulsa Beacon

During a recent program touted as a “conversation about race and race relations in Oklahoma,” one featured panelist declared that football games at the University of Oklahoma involve repeated “celebration of white supremacy.” “The University of Oklahoma, their mascot or their whole thing is the ‘Sooners,’” said Sarah Gray, director of movement building and organizing…