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The Tulsa Beacon


Letters to the Editor

Letter: Mayor Bynum doesn’t control the hospitals

Tulsa Beacon

(To Mayor G.T. Bynum) On October 19, you voiced your concern about the possibility of Covid-19 patients overcrowding Tulsa hospitals.  You said you were giving some thought to “action that you could take” to make sure Tulsans were taken care of. Mr. Mayor, I don’t believe you have the authority to tell Tulsa hospitals who…

Letter: Communist influence

Tulsa Beacon

As an 84-year old man it is hard to comprehend how America has changed so much in a few decades.  Especially, of how they now perceive, the precious rights and liberties granted us by our founding fathers, when they drew the greatest Constitution in the World. Now in this election, we face the possibility that…

Letter: Racial conflicts

Tulsa Beacon

It’s as if “liberal progressives” are “closet separatists” who dig us and smear racial strife while hypocritically preaching against it. Rather than allowing racism to simply die out over time perhaps, they envision the world being run in the format of an “equality based theme park” where every racial ethnicity and sexual perversion is pumped…

Letter: Do your homework on the Medicare Advantage policies

Tulsa Beacon

If you depend on Medicare for health coverage, your mailbox is likely filled with offers from various Medicare “Advantage” Plans. Medicare open enrollment started October 15. If you are thinking of taking an advantage plan, be sure to read the fine print and understand what coverage you are actually getting.  Some advantage plans offer special…

Letter: Can’t trust the news channels

Tulsa Beacon

This evening, October 12, President Trump delivered a campaign speech to hundreds of supporters in Florida. The President’s speech was covered live by Fox News. To determine if any other national news media sources did the same I clicked on three. MSNBC  no coverage. CNN no coverage. CNBC no coverage. Readers, if you are depending…

Letter: America’s last free election?

Tulsa Beacon

The Apostle Paul tells us a day will come when “we shall all be changed.”  Paul says it will happen very quickly, when we least expect it: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall…

Letter: The relentless attacks on an ailing Trump are shameful

Tulsa Beacon

I am so ashamed of the people who continue their relentless attacks on President Trump, even while he and his family are fighting their own personal battle against the Chinese virus.  The unbridled anger of this anti-Trump crowd exposes their hatred for this nation, and their lack of respect for our founding fathers who formed…

Letter: Abortion and the Supreme Court

Tulsa Beacon

The present Supreme Court vacancy has caused a rash of opinions voiced across the USA.  But mostly the concern seems to be abortion, pro and con. In the news the word “abortion” is almost as rare as the word “God.”  Other terms are used.        God is the Giver of Life, and He gives life in…

Letter: Stopping abortion is the top issue

Tulsa Beacon

An open letter to President Trump: Dear Mr. President, The most important issue in this election is abortion, and yet politicians are afraid to clearly speak out against abortion.   And yet, almost every politician ends their speech with: “God bless America.” The American people need to stop and think: How can God bless America while…

Letter: The Israeli peace accord was historic

Tulsa Beacon

Something very significant took place on September 14, 2020, and it was almost totally ignored by the fake-news media.  In fact, Nancy Pelosi said “it was just a publicity stunt by Trump to detract from Covid-19.” On September 14, 2020, President Trump presided over the signing of an historic agreement between Israel, the United Arab…