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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: Constitutional anarchy surges 

Tulsa Beacon

The nightly TV news provides ongoing and certain evidence of our inability to live as a free and responsible people. We are confronted with story after story of lawless or reckless behavior with nary a solution ever proposed that has a reasonable chance of successful implementation. The government, conscious that some still believe it plays…

Letter: Constitution is under assault

Tulsa Beacon

Over the past century, it has been liberal fallacy of viewing our Constitution as a “living/breathing document” which permitted such abominations as abortion and homosexuality to be legalized. If a country’s constitution can simply be rewritten at any time against the desires of the voting public, then there is no point in even having such…

Editorial: Re-elect Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell

Tulsa Beacon

Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell is a graduate of Oral Roberts University. He and his family attend Redeemer Covenant Church in South Tulsa. Before Pinnell was elected Lt. Governor in 2018 (with 62% of the vote), he and his wife ran a small business. Pinnell won every county in the 2018 election. Previously, Pinnell was director…

Editorial: Food plants are being destroyed

Tulsa Beacon

Large American food processing plants are burning down at a record rate. With the disruption of wheat due to Russia’s war on Ukraine and President Biden’s warning about inevitable food shortages, this news story becomes more ominous. No evidence so far has shown any conspiracy but it is suspicious. At least 18 food processing facilities…

Editorial: No ‘climate change’ for military

Tulsa Beacon

Congress needs to stop President Biden from wrecking America’s military with his outlandish “climate change” agenda. On “Earth Day” in April, Biden pledged to make every military vehicle “climate friendly.” He wants $773 of the Defense Department budget to make this happen as soon as possible. It’s part of his $5.8 trillion 2023 budget proposal….

Editorial: Re-elect Governor Kevin Stitt

Tulsa Beacon

When Gov. Kevin Stitt, R-Tulsa, ran for governor in 2018, he promised that he would sign any pro-life bill that came before him. Stitt has kept that promise. He has been a vocal opponent of abortion and he wants Oklahoma to be the first state to successfully ban the murder of unborn children. That alone…

Editorial: Vote for Assessor John A. Wright

Tulsa Beacon

Fairness and competency are hallmarks of good public servant and Tulsa County Assessor John A. Wright gets high marks on both counts. As inflation drastically affects Tulsa County’s housing market, Wright and his staff have done an excellent job of determining market value of property and assigning the assessed valuation, which is the basis of…

Editorial: More Biden gas increases coming

Tulsa Beacon

Gasoline prices, which have dipped slightly, are expected to soar again soon, according to energy experts. The national average is projected to rise to $4.20 a gallon and perhaps higher. In the middle of April, the national average price topped $4. That happened even though Georgia, Maryland and Connecticut suspended state gasoline taxes in a…

Editorial: Ethanol is not the energy answer

Tulsa Beacon

Joe Biden keeps making choices that make America’s energy crisis worse instead of better. The latest intentional mistake is to allow the amount of ethanol in gasoline to rise to 15% this summer. Biden claims this will save the average American motorist 10 cents a gallon and that will solve the problem. It won’t. First,…

Editorial: A war that nobody will win

Tulsa Beacon

During World War II, Americans could only view the horrors of the war on news reels in local movie theaters. During the Vietnam War, the evening newscasts brought limited views of the conflict accompanied by U.S. casualties. During the War in Iraq, the world saw live footage of the American military in action. Now Americans…