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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: ‘Equitable math’ in California schools is liberal lunacy

Tulsa Beacon

My late mother-in-law used to say she read the newspaper with half-eye glasses because she only believed half of what she read there was true. A short article in the Tulsa Beacon (April 29, 2021) would have stunned her. It’s titled “‘Equitable Math’ in California.” The article is indeed true but its content is lunacy…

Letter: America has lost God’s instruction

Tulsa Beacon

In the Word of God, God promised to bless and protect His chosen Nation (Israel), if they believed in Him and obeyed His Laws and Commandments.  Whenever they turned away from Him, He took serious corrective measures to get them back into the fold.  When they failed to obey, God punished them severely. Our founding…

Letter: Old Joe Biden is hidin’ something

Tulsa Beacon

Old Joe, us deplorable Neanderthals want to know, what is Biden hidin’? For months, Old Joe said he was to raise taxes on people who earned over $400,000 a year. That would be a slick trick from Old Joe in the Know. He effectively said over $400,000, thereby putting himself in that higher tax bracket….

Letter: Don’t leave God out of the plans

Tulsa Beacon

In building this nation, our Founding Fathers followed the Judeo-Christian principles outlined in the Ten Commandments that our Creator, God Almighty, gave to Moses.  The Ten Commandments are as follows: No. 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  No. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.  No. 3. Thou shalt…

Editorial: Local TV blasts Senator Dahm

Tulsa Beacon

State Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, is a target of the local media because he is conservative, he believes in a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and he speaks the truth. Dahm introduced a bill that would ban paper straws in Oklahoma. This was done to make a statement on Earth Day. Dahm was…

Editorial: Bush says he didn’t vote for Trump

Tulsa Beacon

Former President George W. Bush not only didn’t vote for President Donald Trump but now he is publicly admitting that he wrote in the name of Condoleeza Rice, who was his secretary of state. This is indicative of the uphill battle Trump faced for four years. Trump had to overcome the Democrats, the liberal media…

Editorial: Kerry shares secret with Iran?

Tulsa Beacon

The liberal news media is working hard to cover up the actions of former Secretary of State John Kerry when he told Iran multiple times about details of Israel’s covert activities in Syria. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is on a recording stating that Kerry had informed him at least 200 times about Israel…

Letter: Right from wrong in America

Tulsa Beacon

Fox News reports that Caitlyn Marie Jenner has announced that she’s a candidate for Governor of California.  The Fox News personalities all seemed to be excited about Caitlyn’s candidacy, saying, “She’s a Republican who describes herself as ‘socially liberal’ and ‘fiscally conservative.’  Also, she’s a Christian who supports same-sex marriage.” No one on the panel…

Editorial: So long to Tulsa mask mandate

Tulsa Beacon

The City of Tulsa’s mandatory mask ordinance expires Friday. Good. It is questionable if a city like Tulsa can pass such an ordinance without being it being unconstitutional. The ending of this ordinance doesn’t mean that a private business, like a restaurant or grocery, can’t still require customers to wear a mask. They are private…

Editorial: ‘Equitable math’ in California

Tulsa Beacon

Public education is getting more and more absurd. The California Education Department is working on a statewide math framework that takes racism out of math. What? According to those educators, promoting the concept that “working to figure out a correct answer in math is an example of racism and white supremacy invading the classroom.” How…