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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: Democrat National Committee seeks to recruit atheist voters

Tulsa Beacon

World News Daily (WND) reports the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is reaching out to the demographic of people who are unaffiliated with any religious belief [which the DNC says] has tripled in the last twenty years, and now represents 25% of the overall American population and 35% of those under the age of 30. WND…

Letter: No children at Gay ‘Pride’ parade

Tulsa Beacon

It’s common sense that America has laws which prevent children from entering “adult only” establishments such as bars, liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs. Likewise, it is a crime to supply underage juveniles with alcohol or drugs. And everybody cringes at the idea of children growing up in a crack house. Yet there seems to…

Letter: Health risks tied to homosexuality

Tulsa Beacon

We should have respect for the rights of others, but that has nothing to do with being “gay.” You see, that is a health risk. Speaking as a design engineer (with a number of U.S. and international patents), if men engage in sex…the result is body parts can be damaged. Their blood stream is contaminated…

Letter: Unworkable socialism from Sanders

Tulsa Beacon

On August 30th, Bernie Sanders announced his plan to “cancel all U.S. medical debt” if he is elected president.  In Florence, South Carolina, Bernie made that campaign promise, saying, “Medical debt is the leading cause of consumer bankruptcy, and he wants to eliminate it.” Reuters reports the existing past-due medical debt amounts to $81 Billion,…

Editorial: No to federal ‘red flag’ proposals

Tulsa Beacon

The recent shootings by madmen is encouraging progressives to force federal legislation to curtail the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens In response to “red flag” proposals, Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, has filed Senate Bill 1081 to push back against any proposed red flag laws coming from the federal government. His bill, titled the “Anti-Red…

Editorial: Biden is unfit to be president

Tulsa Beacon

It’s becoming increasing apparent that former Vice President Joe Biden, 76, is not up to the intellectual challenge of being president. In August, Biden told a campaign audience a story that was so inaccurate that even the ultra-liberal Washington Post challenged its accuracy. Biden told a story of pinning a Silver Star on a U.S….

Editorial: Liberal attacks on Chick-fil-A

Tulsa Beacon

Liberals, particularly in higher education, can no longer endure anyone who holds a different view than theirs. The latest example is a vote by the faculty council at The University of Kansas to call for the removal of a Chick-fil-A location on the campus. The fast-food restaurant was recently relocated to a more prominent spot…

Letter: Don’t count on the Republican Party

Tulsa Beacon

If you think the Republican Party represents the interests of middle-class working U.S. citizens, you are delusional. The GOP, including all four Oklahoma GOP Congressmen, really represents the interests of large corporate entities and wealthy elites, their well-paid lobbyists, and the Chamber of Commerce. If you have any doubt of the GOP’s true intentions, look…

Letter: God created only male and female

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa’s Mayor G. T. Bynum signed an executive order on August 19 to add gender identity and expression to the City of Tulsa’s non-discrimination policy. What is so foolish about Mayor Bynum’s executive order, the LGBTQ movement, and the impending legislation passed by the U.S. House (the Equality Act H.R. 5), is the fact that…