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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Biden is unfit to be president

Tulsa Beacon

It’s becoming increasing apparent that former Vice President Joe Biden, 76, is not up to the intellectual challenge of being president. In August, Biden told a campaign audience a story that was so inaccurate that even the ultra-liberal Washington Post challenged its accuracy. Biden told a story of pinning a Silver Star on a U.S….

Editorial: Liberal attacks on Chick-fil-A

Tulsa Beacon

Liberals, particularly in higher education, can no longer endure anyone who holds a different view than theirs. The latest example is a vote by the faculty council at The University of Kansas to call for the removal of a Chick-fil-A location on the campus. The fast-food restaurant was recently relocated to a more prominent spot…

Letter: Don’t count on the Republican Party

Tulsa Beacon

If you think the Republican Party represents the interests of middle-class working U.S. citizens, you are delusional. The GOP, including all four Oklahoma GOP Congressmen, really represents the interests of large corporate entities and wealthy elites, their well-paid lobbyists, and the Chamber of Commerce. If you have any doubt of the GOP’s true intentions, look…

Letter: God created only male and female

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa’s Mayor G. T. Bynum signed an executive order on August 19 to add gender identity and expression to the City of Tulsa’s non-discrimination policy. What is so foolish about Mayor Bynum’s executive order, the LGBTQ movement, and the impending legislation passed by the U.S. House (the Equality Act H.R. 5), is the fact that…

Letter: Socialism aims to conquer America

Tulsa Beacon

While America slept, our country was undermined from within.  Now socialism has reared its ugly head in America, the land of the free.   Obviously, Barack and Hillary, were only the tip of the mountain of admirers, of Socialist Saul Alinsky, and of his ideas on How To Create A Socialist State, in which he listed…

Letter: Kamala Harris and baby body parts

Tulsa Beacon

Remember the video that secretly recorded Planned Parenthood executives conspiring to sell the body parts of aborted babies?  And do you remember the California justice system filing charges against David Daleiden, the man who recorded the video, instead of filling charges against Planned Parenthood? Kamala Harris, one of the leading Democrat presidential candidates, is the…

Editorial: Tulsa needs new leadership now

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt signed a petition to vote on repealing the Constitutional Carry gun law that goes into effect on November 1. Mayor David Holt, who used to be in the Legislature, apparently disagrees with Gov. Kevin Stitt and a bipartisan majority who believe that Oklahoma should be an open carry state….

Editorial: Chinese election interference

Tulsa Beacon

China has been taking huge advantage over America for decades. Trade has been heavily tilted to favor the Chinese communist regime. This was accelerated by the policies of former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. Clinton opened the doors to promoting Chinese access to our technology and Obama took down barriers to Chinese trade….

Editorial: Another Hollywood disaster film

Tulsa Beacon

Just when you think the morality in Hollywood can’t sink any lower, a new standard is reached. This month, Universal Studios is releasing The Hunt, a graphic and very violent film that shows people hunting other people for sport. In The Hunt, rich elitists fly to a resort where a dozen people – who are…