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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Why build the Gilcrease Turnpike?

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) will spend $260,914,456.00 for five miles of new road on the Gilcrease Turnpike project in West Tulsa. Why? That is an incredible amount of money. Who is paying for this? The answer is people who pay taxes and anyone who drives on a state toll road. That includes a new…

Editorial: Fiscal irresponsibility in the Swamp

Tulsa Beacon

The federal budget is out of control. Actually, there is no federal budget but just a series of “continuing resolutions” that contribute trillions of dollars to the national debt without any accountability. To his credit, Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma, introduced the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act. Part of the reason that President Trump and the Republicans…

Editorial: Clamping down on free speech

Tulsa Beacon

To secularists, it should be illegal to hold an opinion opposite of theirs. Academics that championed free speech 30 years ago are now trying to stifle dissenting views on campus. Since 2005, Professor Eric Thompson taught sociology at Moreno Valley College. Twice, he won the “faculty of the year” award as voted by students. He…

Letter: Our disrespect for human life is the root of mass shootings

Tulsa Beacon

Another mass shooting, Why? We have now suffered more mass shootings.  This time the shooting was in a Wal-Mart in El Paso, Texas (and in Dayton, Ohio.) Why are we witnessing mass shootings? I believe the root cause of the increase of mass shootings is not mysterious.  In 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled…

Letter: Lunacy of the left is now on display

Tulsa Beacon

The lunacy of the left was in full display once again July 31 and August 1 when all twenty of the Democratic presidential candidates participated in their second debate. Every Democrat presidential candidate told us “climate change” is the biggest threat to this nation.  Some even claim this planet will be destroyed in ten to…

Editorial: Have a happy sales tax holiday!

Tulsa Beacon

It’s nice to have a holiday in August. Oklahoma’s sales tax holiday is this weekend. In their collective wisdom, the Oklahoma Legislature passed Senate Bill 861 during the 2007 Legislative Session. Conservative lawmakers were tired of reports of Oklahoma shoppers driving to Dallas during the Texas sales tax holiday. Everyone is a winner with this…

Editorial: Democrat desperation grows

Tulsa Beacon

In July, a handful of radical Democrat representatives tried to impeach President Trump. The vote failed, 95-332. It failed because most Democrats understand that Trump is innocent of any impeachable offenses. The calls for impeachment started the day Trump took office. Democrats are upset because Hillary Clinton – one of the worst presidential candidate in…

Editorial: Wrong-headed tax resolution

Tulsa Beacon

Doubling the minimum wage to $15 an hour sounds like a good idea but it’s not. In July, Democrats in the U.S. House voted that increase as a meaningless gesture to prove that they are trying to accomplish something. The action was part of their presidential strategy to make people hate the rich and give…

Letter: Police oversight board is a mess

Tulsa Beacon

You are digging yourself a pit that could eventually cave in on you and the City of Tulsa.  I am referring specifically to the police oversight board and the search for the alleged “mass graves” resulting from the 1921 Tulsa race riot. The Police Oversight Board The police oversight board will not result in a…

Letter: Why the search for mass graves?

Tulsa Beacon

Perhaps Mayor G.T. Bynum knows little about the work for integration in the 1950s. The goal was to offer equal rights. You know, “separate but equal” didn’t work too well. To me, it is puzzling – or are there other motives at work here? Will we see groups formed and paid funds by Tulsa citizens?…