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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Critics couldn’t stop Unplanned

Tulsa Beacon

A lot of time, effort and expense went into trying to stop the success of the movie Unplanned. The schemes didn’t work. The movie chronicles the story of a woman who had worked at Planned Parenthood abortion clinic for years until she witnessed an actual abortion. That changed her life and the movie tells this…

Editorial: Democrat hopefuls’ proposals

Tulsa Beacon

Here are some of the plans of the mainstream candidates running for the Socialist Democrat nomination for president. Forgive all student debt. Make tuition free for all state-supported colleges and universities. Give poor people a monthly allowance. Place a 2 percent wealth tax on anyone worth more than $10 million. Let 16-year-olds vote. Impeach President…

Editorial: GOP saved the retirement funds

Tulsa Beacon

If you are a retired public school teacher, you should thank the Republicans in the Legislature for making sure you retirement check is there every month. In 2009, after 100 years of Democrat leadership, the teacher retirement fund had 49.8 percent of the amount of money needed to pay every teacher who was eligible to…

Letter: LBGTQ status is only a perception

Tulsa Beacon

The Supreme Court announced they will hear three cases determining whether federal law protects lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals (LGBTQ) from discrimination in the workplace.  The court said it would review all three cases, but ordered that two of the cases be combined into one argument. This is a big deal in more…

Letter: Deception and Sri Lanka

Tulsa Beacon

The tragic Islamic terrorist attack in Sri Lanka, which left more than 300 dead, is just the latest proof that mankind rejects God on a daily basis by murdering innocent fellow human beings.  It shows the results of ignorance of the true Word of God, and man’s non-compliance, with God’s basic laws and commandments     The…

Editorial: GOP leaders stymie moral laws

Tulsa Beacon

What is the biggest obstacle to conservative legislation in the Oklahoma Legislature? It’s Republican leadership. State Sen. Joseph Silk, R-Broken Bow, has been unofficially blacklisted by GOP leaders, who control all the committee chairmanships and can manipulate what bills are heard and what bills are passed. Silk’s crime was wanting to stop abortion in Oklahoma….

Editorial: Phony town halls to boost taxes

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa’s elected officials are gearing up for a gigantic sales tax increase in November. Powerful business people and the chamber overlords are employing the liberal daily newspaper and local TV stations to sell the public on the idea that we need to raise tens of millions of dollars in sales tax to pay for their…

Editorial: Anti-Christian in San Antonio?

Tulsa Beacon

Christian businessmen who follow the principles in the Bible have a target on their backs. And the attacks are growing and intensifying. A few years ago, Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A restaurants said he believed that marriage should be between one man and one woman – just as described in the Bible. That doesn’t…

Letter: Danger is brewing for Israel

Tulsa Beacon

According to World Israel News, Palestinian Foreign Minister Maliki says the Palestinian Authority (PA) will meet with Israel to discuss a “two-state” solution, but only if Russia hosts the meeting.  Maliki says the PA is not comfortable with the strong relationship between the United States and Israel. After President Trump declared Jerusalem to be the…

Letter: Book shows Trump spirituality

Tulsa Beacon

…Edward V. Harris wrote that Mr. “Trump has no Christian principles.” Apparently Mr. Harris is convinced that this true but it is necessary to challenge that belief.  Recently, I read a book, The Faith of Donald J. Trump: A Spiritual Biography – written by David Phillip Brody and Walter Scott Lamb. The book contains two…