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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Americans sanction infanticide

Tulsa Beacon

Infanticide. The definition of infanticide is the killing of a child. By definition, children are innocent and not deserving of death. But more and more politicians (mostly liberal Democrats) and Americans are proposing laws that make it legal to abort any child – born or unborn. The liberal lawmakers in New York State were all…

Editorial: Sen. Warren has to apologize

Tulsa Beacon

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is not slow to lie in order to advance her career. Raised in Oklahoma, Warren recently announced that she had taken a DNA test that showed she had “Cherokee heritage.” She doesn’t. The amount of DNA in her results is negligible. But Warren is running for the Democrat nomination for president…

Editorial: More tax to benefit Downtown

Tulsa Beacon

Mayor G.T. Bynum and the Tulsa City Council can raise taxes or fees without any measurable response from the public. A recent example is the raising of the hotel tax by 3 percent for hotels with more than 110 rooms. There seems to be two criteria for these tax increases: they have to be approved…

Letter: Trump blasts late-term abortions

Tulsa Beacon

It was so very pleasing to hear President Trump mention in the State of the Union Address that our nation has to take a stand against late-term abortion.  “There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our nation saw in recent days. …

Letter: Diversity nonsense in California

Tulsa Beacon

The University of California (UC) now requires faculty to adhere to a new creed – diversity.  Every applicant for a position must write a diversity statement that tells the university how, in the past, the applicant has promoted diversity — and how the applicant will promote diversity in the future. Diversity is defined by UC…

Editorial: Stitt fulfills campaign promises

Tulsa Beacon

Gov. Kevin Stitt hit the ground running in his first month in office and like President Trump, Stitt seems committed to keeping his campaign promises. Stitt has ordered the state plane used by former governors to be sold. That will save a cool million a year. If he needs to go somewhere, there are military…

Editorial: Coach Haith’s character lessons

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa basketball coach Frank Haith builds character in the young men he coaches. And he does it by word and by example. In January, TU hosted their annual Coaches vs. Cancer game. Coaches wore sneakers for the fight against cancer. Many schools, including Oklahoma and Oklahoma State, take part in this noble cause. Without much…

Editorial: Socialist predicts Earth’s demise

Tulsa Beacon

The world will end in 12 years. That’s the message from U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York. At a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event, Ocasio-Cortez, made that grim statement about global warming. “Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like:…

Letter: 8.8 million children got Operation Christmas Child boxes

Tulsa Beacon

I am writing to thank Tulsa residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season. Because of the generosity of donors in Tulsa and across the United States, Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, collected more than 8.8 million shoeboxes in 2018. Combined with those collected…

Letter: Leaders must change their ways

Tulsa Beacon

Many in the House and Senate need to realize this is about America, not about them, and their morally corrupt political parties. They are paid high wages to work for America in a fair, sensible and Godly way. That is not what we are getting for our money now. The safety of America should be…