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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: ‘Social justice’ for police cadets?

Tulsa Beacon

There is a balance in police work between maintaining law and order and infringing on constitutional rights. The Tulsa Police Department is departing from a strong-arm approach to training recruits to a “professional” approach that includes education on the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot, how to handle Muslims and how to treat homosexuals. While policemen should…

Letter: More psychoactive drugs usage?­

Tulsa Beacon

A headline on the front page of a recent edition of the Tulsa Beacon declares that “Oklahoma will get $13m to fight the opioid epidemic.”  On the other hand, Oklahoma is fighting a battle to provide free access to marijuana. This world has lost its collective mind! If addiction is a national problem, why would…

Editorial: Only one choice in District One

Tulsa Beacon

If liberal Democrat Tim Gilpin is elected to Congress, here’s what could happen. Democrats could take control of the House of Representatives and try to impeach President Trump. Gilpin will push for a return of Obamacare. Gilpin thinks health care is a “right.” Employers should be forced to pay for abortions for woman employees. Federal…

Editorial: Matt Pinnell for Lt. Governor

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahomans can send a clear message of rejection of a “blue wave” in the race for lieutenant governor. Republican Matt Pinnell is a conservative Christian and Democrat Anastasia Pittman represents the liberal wing of her party – the so-called “blue wave.” The national Democrat Party is swinging way to the left and they would like…

Editorial: John Haste for Senate District 36

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma needs conservative voices in the State Senate. State Sen. Bill Brown, R-Broken Arrow, is term limited and is leaving. Sen. Brown has not only been one of the most conservative voices and votes in the Senate, but he has been a bridge builder who didn’t compromise his principles. He will be hard to replace….

Editorial: More and more alcohol problems

Tulsa Beacon

In September, local TV news shows had stories about the panic caused by the disappearance of beer with 3.2 percent alcohol content. If all you saw were those reports and what you read in the daily newspaper, you would think Tulsa was in a panic mode. What happened? Oklahoma liberalized its liquor laws and opened…

Editorial: Re-elect Judge Caroline Wall

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa is blessed to have some district court judges who are not only fair and experienced but they follow the law – they don’t try to create new laws One example is District Court Judge Caroline Wall, the Chief Judge of the Civil Division of the Tulsa County District Court. Judge Wall was named Master…

Editorial: California taxpayers revolt

Tulsa Beacon

Some taxpayers in California are revolting. Actually, the level of taxation in California is revolting. There is an initiative effort to roll back the recent gasoline tax in California and part of that campaign is to stop the $77,000,000,000.00 high-speed rail project. California’s liberal Democrat leadership is pushing this huge money pit that is increasing…

Letter: Vote yes on Judge Kavanaugh

Tulsa Beacon

We’ve all been witnessing the despicable bad-behavior of Democrats in their attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh – and this disgusting spectacle is not over. Surely any reasonable person can see – these personal attacks against Judge Kavanaugh and his family are being orchestrated by Satan himself – and Senate Democrats have become willing participants. The…

Editorial: New leadership for Oklahomans

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma has just come through 16 years of sorry leadership from the governor’s mansion. Democrat Brad Henry and Republican Mary Fallin raised taxes, introduced casino gambling, increased the state debt by hundreds of millions of dollars and defeated legislation to stop abortion in Oklahoma. Their legacies are shameful. Now Oklahoma has a chance to take…