Catholics throughout the world have entered into the season of Lent and Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, is urging believers to leave the Democrat Party this Lent!

“It’s platform, its leaders, and the policies they advance have explicitly embraced a worldview that promotes the direct, deliberate and systematic killing of children in the womb without exception and at taxpayer expense, views the freedom of religion as discrimination and punishes believers and Church institutions for trying to live their faith, redfines human sexuality, marriage, and family in ways that contradict God’s plan, and denies the rights of parents as their primary educator of their children…Leaving the Party is a very appropriate way of echoing the call of Lent, ‘Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”

And at the State of the Union Address, Joe Biden who professes to be Catholic, promoted abortion.  And just one day later he was receiving ashes on his forehead.  What a scandal he is to the Catholic Church!  The ashes are to supposed to remind us of our mortality and to repent and turn away from sin, as the priest marks the forehead he says, “Turn away from sin, be faithful to the Gospel.”  It’s quite evident that Biden hasn’t given up abortion and therefore the presence of ashes on his forehead our rendered meaningless.  But this pleases the Devil because a cross on Biden’s forehead could be considered a sacrilege.

The Democrat Party led by Joe Biden resembles Satan’s platform.  It’s really that simple.  I do not see how any Christian can be affiliated with the Democrat Party seeing how it is so aligned with evil!

The source for the letter is