Invitations to respond to the 2020 Census are being mailed to every household in the United States.
Occurring once every 10 years, the Census counts every person in the United States and benefits not only those who live in Tulsa, but those who live in the region, state and nation. Its results provide funding support for important things like education initiatives in Title 1 Schools, housing vouchers and improvements to the transportation system.
“I encourage everyone who lives in the Tulsa area to fill out the 2020 Census,” Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “An accurate count is crucial for Tulsa’s economic development efforts, for federal transportation funding, and for so many other important resources.”
The 2020 Census will not ask any citizenship questions.
The Census can be filled out online according to the directions in the mailing citizens receive. All Tulsa City-County Libraries, as well as each of the six Tulsa Parks Community Centers, will have computers available during business hours for people to fill out the 2020 Census.
Tulsa residents should have received a mailing from the Census by March 20 and a reminder by March 24.
If there is no response, a postcard reminder could come as late as April 3.
A reminder letter and paper questionnaire is scheduled from April 8-16 and a final reminder will come as late as April 27.
If there is no response by then, the Census will send someone to follow up.
To receive more information about the 2020 Census and look at a sample questionnaire, citizens can visit