In the first weekend of August, 51 people were shot and five died in shooting in Chicago.
On the following Monday, no suspects were in custody while police investigated.
In the last weekend in June, 47 people were shot in Chicago and 16 were murdered and that included three dead children.
In July 2021, there were 105 homicides in Chicago. In July of 2020, there were 107 homicides.
In July of 2019 there were only 44 homicides and in 2018 the number of homicides was 64.
In 2020, between January 1 and July 331, Chicago had nearly 200 more shootings than the same period in 2020.
Two federal ATF agents and one Chicago policeman were shot during violence in the July 4 weekend. A week later, 33 people were shot and 13 killed in the murderous spree in Illinois.
Why is this happening?
Liberals blame the racial tension that was promoted by progressives in 2020. Some blame the police for mistreatment of minorities. Others say it is due to the pandemic and poverty. Maybe, they say, it’s because so many kids were out of school last year.
When civil authority is de-emphasized by Democrat-run cities, crime flourishes. There are so many shootings in Chicago that the police can keep up with the caseload. Justice takes a hit. This is not because of the legal right to bear arms and it has nothing to do with the so-called “assault rifles.”
This is due to sin and lawlessness. The moral fabric of America is under assault and the liberal news media is teaching youth to hate authority.
What is the solution?
For a conservative family, the top choice would be to leave Chicago for almost anywhere else in the nation. The exception would be a big city run by liberal Democrats.
Until you end the chaos, the carnage will continue. This is making America look like a lawless Third World country.