The Chinese communist government has been lying.
That should be no surprise to Americans with common sense but it may be a shock to the liberal news media and would-be socialists in America.
On April 17, the City of Wuhan revised their numbers on the impact of the Chinese coronavirus. The number of deaths rose from 2,579 to 3,869. The number of deaths went up 1,290. They claim that the total Chinese death total now is 4,632 and the total number of cases in Wuhan is 50,333.
Local officials claim incompetence. They said that the health facilities in the city of 11 million were so busy that 1,290 deaths went unnoticed.
An official said: “Due to the insufficiency in admission and treatment capability, a few medical institutions failed to connect with the disease prevention and control system in time, while hospitals were overloaded and medics were overwhelmed with patients. As a result, belated, missed and mistaken reporting occurred.”
This is what you get under a communist regime. The Chinese kicked out foreign journalists during the pandemic to mask the real impact of the coronavirus. The reason is simple – they don’t want to get the blame for the damage done throughout the world by this disease.
There is no way to know if the current numbers are accurate. We have no reason to trust the Chinese leaders at this point.
Had they told the truth at the beginning, America and the rest of the world would have been more prepared.
Under a communist/socialist government, truth takes a back seat to propaganda. And thousands of people have died because of that dishonesty.