We live in a time of acute political polarization, exacerbated every election cycle by a 24-hour barrage of candidate advertisements reflecting two opposing worldviews, a myriad of issues and advice on recommendations on ways to vote.

Unfortunately, the toxic tone and extremely partisan nature of our political  system  discourages many Christians – and citizen voters of various religious persuasions or none at all – from seeking trustworthy information about government involvement and considering how one’s faith should inform one’ s view of political involvement – a lot, some, or none at all.

It is no surprise that withdrawing from the political process has been a pattern or habit for many Americans over the years, including those who consider themselves Christian.

Too tired? 

Too busy? 

Too uninformed or disinterested?

Politics is dirty?

Holding to the idea, “My one vote is of no significance or does not count”?

And besides, if God is sovereign and “controls the heart of the king” (Proverbs 21:1), is it really necessary to get involved in the messy world of politics?

Because political engagement can be divisive, maybe Christians should abandon politics in order to direct one’s energies toward “spiritual pursuits”? Christians are called by God no less to honor Him in every area of their lives.

Therefore, as Christians we should seek to obey His instructions to “love our neighbors as ourselves along with loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.”

Engaging in political matters by getting informed and involved in knowing the issues and candidates takes work ( time, energy, prayer, finances, etc.) and is rewarding because these efforts make a great difference in the outcome of the voting process that protects our privilege to vote and helps to preserve our republic -form of government where power resides with the people in a representative democracy.

One serious issue facing our election is the presence of documented voter fraud in its several forms.

There are seven ways election tampering occurs. According to IFA.org in Ohio, for example, in the time period of 2013-2017, 56 elections resulted in a tie and 86 elections were on record as having been decided by just one vote. The Heritage Foundation has reported on other states’ fraudulent voting results.

That being said there are numerous resources readily available which help Christians in particular and non-religious citizens as well to filter all issues, candidates and party platforms with the Judeo-Christian worldview in mind. The Intercessors for America, for one has a voter guide and prayer guide for nonpartisan information.

The booklet by David Closson of Family Research Council, Biblical Principles For Political Engagement, is available.

Many pastors can find these resources invaluable to authoritatively shepherd their congregations.

American Family Association has published an article, “Pastors to Patriots”, (AFA Journal July 2020 page 18-19), is a quick read along with the publication The Christian Handbook For Civic Engagement (a complimentary copy available until August 31).

There is a voter guide ready for download now from OPAC (Oklahoma Political Action Council) identifying candidates and all 77 counties/districts.

Finally, Liberty Council with Dr. Matt Staver, will provide a current voter guide soon and the DVD “Pastors, Churches and Political Activity” from Liberty Counsel (ww w.LC.org ) is available now.

All of these invaluable materials are helpful in thinking about politics through the lens of Scripture and able to equip the citizen-voter who wants to vote as an informed participant in this event coming up in November 3.

You can leave a legacy to your family and children who observe your efforts to be educated on issues and candidates and will role model a winsome, prayerful, convictional and faithful lifestyle that honors the Lord at the polls.