The summer before the election, the Civil War was going badly for the Union. Lincoln was convinced he was going to lose the election. He wrote in a memorandum August 23, 1864, asking his Cabinet to accept the grim prospects for his re-election, thinking all was lost and he would lose. Clearly the Union was a hair’s breadth away from losing the war, but then the tide began to tum so that the political landscape shifted dramatically when Gen.

Sherman took Atlanta in early September. This major military shift, coupled with the severe internal strife within the Democrat Party, solidified Lincoln’s chance a victory. The Republicans won the election of 1864 in a landslide, but less than 2 months later Lincoln was assassinated.

What has been seen in the recent past nationwide is the untoward effects of the pandemic affecting health, education, economy, faith-based ministries (labelled “non-essential” even}, marriages and other social relationships followed by several cities becoming war-torn environments due to anarchist protests, riots, lootings, and burning of businesses, homes and places of worship done by paid, bussed-in groups of participants. These powerful forces have maneuvered America toward a socialist, communist dictatorship.

There are multiple millions of passive Americans across our land, many of them so-called Christians (aka silent Christians) who are clueless about what is happening  rapidly to  their homeland. There are also many pastors who shy away from “getting involved” in dirty politics.” The result? They leave their flocks (congregants) ill equipped to face the violence and warfare that prevails in many of our cities.

I pray for the emergence of silent, intimidated, low-knowledge Americans to come out of their hiding places to let their vote be cast on Election Day 2020 because every vote counts – every informed voter counts. Many elections have been won or lost by a single vote.

Candidates who espouse beliefs related to the following seven issues need to be vetted: issues of the next generation who are force-fed a radical curriculum that is godless, anti-American, sexually perverted and morally bankrupt; the sanctity of human life over the whole age spectrum – pre-born, born and death in old age and many minorities’ babies are victims of the tax-funded abortion industry (all lives matter without exception); marriage and family as seen from God’s perspective only; religious freedom in compliance with the Bill of Rights and scripturally-mandated; capitalism vs. socialism; the judicial system and who is placed on the Supreme Court as Constitutionalists; and finally the Nation of Israel.

Keep in mind the event to be held in Washington, D.C., Saturday, September 26, to raise united voices in repentance and humility to God to bring mercy and a Great Awakening and Revival to America rather than receive well-deserved judgment on America for its forsaking the God who allowed it to be birthed to the glory of God and carry out His purposes 244 years ago. You can see the event live streamed.

Then finally, see the YouTube presentation by Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger, The Oracle and other books. The presentation is “‘The Elijah Paradigm” and gives biblical understanding of our current nationwide events and prophecy about the forthcoming election. Cahn shows the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective that is absolutely factual, fascinating and inspiring. Do not miss seeing this presentation!