In the April 30, 2020 Tulsa Beacon, Pat Buchanan wrote that the victor in the coronavirus will be big government. In his oped, he discusses the federal government handouts, mentioning the recent $2.2 trillion CARES act. Businesses, nonprofits and people who lost jobs due to this virus are being offered and accepting money from “big government.” He goes on to say that state as well as city governments are going to soon be, if not already, in the red and expecting to be bailed out as well.
He left out one, I’m ashamed to say, is also with their hand out for these federal funds – my church. Our church is democratic and requires a majority vote to approve these funds. I was opposed due to the 10th Amendment prohibiting this. Others were opposed due to actual church staff salaries being included in the formula to receive as much free money as possible. Nevertheless, this measure passed with 50 yeas and only 6 nays. It is sad that socialism is this entrenched, even within our churches. I would guess most churches are applying for and taking this handout from ‘big government.”
I am curious to know which church(es) have not succumbed to this blatant socialism.