There are many closing for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which also happens this year to be the same day as the Trump Inauguration, January 20.

Federal offices and courts will be closed.  There will be no mail delivery. Banks will be observing the federal holiday as well.

Tulsa County offices such as the Assessor, Treasurer and the Tulsa County Courthouse will be closed

City of Tulsa offices and municipal courts will be closed as well, but trash will be picked up.

Tulsa Public Schools will be closed.

Broken Arrow city offices and schools will be closed.

Owasso city offices and schools will be closed.

Bixby city offices and schools will be closed.

Sapulpa city offices and schools will be closed.

Sand Springs city offices and schools will be closed.

Jenks city offices and schools will be closed.

Library Closings

All Tulsa City County Library locations will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Tuesday, Jan. 21 for Systemwide Inventory Day.