Over the past century, it has been liberal fallacy of viewing our Constitution as a “living/breathing document” which permitted such abominations as abortion and homosexuality to be legalized.
If a country’s constitution can simply be rewritten at any time against the desires of the voting public, then there is no point in even having such document because such tactics essentially transform our democratic republic in a nine-person dictatorship.
Yet now that our Supreme Court has a conservative/originalist majority (thanks to Trump), there is a good chance that many of the unconstitutional decisions of the past will be corrected.
However, in an ironic twist, the very liberals who support rewriting our historical documents in order to promote a modern socialist agenda, are now hypocritically posing as “pseudo originalists” due to the fact that they are against the court overturning law that they personally support.
It’s as if their constitutional philosophy allows a “living/breathing document” to only move in a leftist fashion.