Australia has gone crazy over the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
Much of that nation, Eastern Australia in particular, is locked down. In contrast, Western Australia is not locked down. That part of the country protected their borders and that plan worked as the pandemic was much less a problem in that region.
Australia’s federal government is upset about Wester Australia closed border and claims that policy is having a negative economic impact. It’s not. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Eastern Australia’s lockdown is doing much more damage than the disease itself.
Why the over-reaction?
Australia, with a population of about 25 million, has had only about 1,300 recorded deaths from the Chinese coronavirus. Health officials said that’s how many “probably died” from the coronavirus in the entire nation.
In Melbourne, the second largest city, police are cracking down on people who have “no valid reason” to leave their homes or apartments. This has resulted in some rioting with police assaulting citizens because they won’t get vaccinated, wear a mask or stay indoors.
Australian health officials keep saying that vaccination is necessary, essentially implying that you can’t get the Chinese coronavirus unless you are vaccination. That is not true. Many vaccinated Americans get it and it is a huge problem in places like England and Israel.
In New South Wales, Australians who refuse the vaccination will have their freedoms restricted. In New South, you can’t even go to church, even if you have been vaccinated.
The U.S. news media – except Fox News – refuses to mention this reversal of freedoms in Australia. But it is real and guess what – these are the same problems that Americans will face if Joe Biden and his administrators get their way in the handling of the pandemic.
For them, it’s more about control than medicine or science.