Families should keep a careful watch of what their children are being taught in school.
In New Jersey, a public school is teaching from a pornographic illustrated book. The autobiographical comic book, Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, includes illustrations of homosexual sex and full male and female nudity.
And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the school district is in the middle of a criminal pedophile investigation.
On June 5, 2018, Sean DiGiovanna, a social studies teacher and faculty adviser for Watchung Hills Regional High School’s Gay-Straight Alliance, testified before the local board of education stating: “I have talked to LGBT students about Fun Home . . . It was very positive for them. In saying that it would be harmful for LGBT students, in my experience, talking to them, that is absolutely not the case.”
In October, DiGiovanna was arrested and charged after a police investigation found him sending nude photos of himself and solicitations for sex to at least one student.
Experts say that pedophiles use a process called “grooming” before they assault children. They try build trust and play on a child’s natural curiosity about sex. Usually, they share pornography. Did DiGiovanna use this book to groom his potential victims?
Pornography (homosexual or otherwise) is harmful to everyone but especially to children. How could a school district ever justify exposing young students to this garbage?
You think this could never happen in Oklahoma or Tulsa but it can. The liberal mindset depends on shaping children and introducing them to pornography in school is a favorite tactic. If you love you children, be on the alert.