A large group of Oklahomans in the law enforcement community came together to criticize the recent mailings and television advertising of Yes on 820.
“To imply that expanding access to marijuana will make our communities safer would be laughable if it were not so destructive,” said former Director of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, State Senator Darrell Weaver. “Every day, our law enforcement community is dealing with families struggling with marijuana addiction and the subsequent crime that occurs to feed that habit,” Weaver continued.
The Yes on 820 campaign commercials claims passage will “make our communities safer”
“SQ820 throws a match into the middle of what already is a powder keg in rural Oklahoma,” said Sheriff Damon Devereaux of Logan County who also serves as President of the Oklahoma Sheriffs’ Association. “Illegal grows, black market operations, organized crime, even execution style killings were all spawned by the poorly drafted initiative petition known as 788, and 820 builds on that flawed process,” Devereaux continued.
“The poorly written nature of this state question will actually make it worse on police officers on a day-to-day basis. By having a $25 fine for smoking pot in public, we will expect complaints to increase. However, the state question prohibits the detention of such an offender will mean we are really helpless to stop it,” said District Attorney Greg Mashburn.
“Make no mistake, Yes on 820 is Big Cannabis hiding behind criminal justice reform,” said District Attorney Greg Mashburn. ”Their mailers claim that voting yes would stop harsh penalties for petty marijuana offenses, yet they know that since at least the passage of SQ 780 almost 7 years ago, there is not prison time for such crimes. The images they show of a person behind bars is deceitful at best. It makes you wonder what else they are lying about,” Mashburn continued.
“Oklahoma will be hurt by increased access to marijuana,” stated Wade Gourley, Oklahoma City Police Chief. “Our mental health professionals confirm that the use of today’s high THC product leads to psychoses and schizophrenia, two diagnoses that are directly tied to homelessness. The fact is, SQ 820 will not make us safer,” Gourley concluded.
“The Wall Street Journal has recognized Oklahoma as the black market marijuana capitol. The organized crime syndicates that came with medial marijuana would rejoice if SQ820 were to pass,” stated Wayne Stinnett of the National narcotic Officer Associations Coalition. “We are just now recovering from the initial implementation of SQ 788. To go back and start over would be disastrous and lead to even more illegal activity and violence,” Stinnett continued.
The Oklahoma Sheriffs’ Association, The Oklahoma District Attorneys’ Association and the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police are all members of the Protect Our Kids No 820 coalition and encourage a NO vote on March 7.