What makes you unique? How can I find my identity and get rid of the baggage we are carrying around to become the beautiful masterpiece God created. When we were children, we were around all kinds of people and places that prepared us with a wealth of knowledge, helping us to know what we did not want to be and who we admired.

Despite that preparation, there is no job description for someone uniquely gifted just like yourself. We are basically left to find our own way to successfully manage our health and home while finding creative ways to support those around us. If a job description had existed that described all the twists and turns, successes and failures, heartbreaks, and mountaintops, we would never have had the courage to be uniquely ourselves. Because we are unique, we do not want to miss the true happiness that comes with making a difference.

A unique person  has to be extremely adaptable, creative, and understanding, because the lifestyle is certainly non-traditional. In fact, if there is one common denominator in the life of each of us, it is “change.” Change is the one constant– from year to year, day to day, and sometimes from hour to hour or minute to minute, just as it is in life. How do you define your uniqueness? The job gives you a unique lifestyle, but it does not make us unique.

I could name hundreds of ways in which we compartmentalize ourselves instead of truly describing how God made each of us as unique creations.

Uniqueness is defined by what we create and who we become to improve our lives and the world around us. Our role models should be more than our family, TV stars, government officials or influencers.

How about your uniqueness? Defined by how we are more than a role model? It is about how we are a hero because of how we have changed our legacy; our ideas changed the community; how we have cared for others; our fearlessness in original creations; how we have healed people physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally; or how we have created peace from conflict?

We are not a hero or role model because we have won a game or an election, or famous because of our profession, or have the most “likes.

There are other ways we can define our uniqueness that may define us far more than the traditional boxes into which we put ourselves. Let us call them “7 C’s.”

  1. Committed – You know when you are committed; you want to achieve your goal, you sacrifice to do it, and your actions support your goal.
  2. Commanding – You know when you have a command over your life: your life is not fear driven; you do not make excuses; and you do not try to be a people pleaser.
  3. Compassionate – You know when you are compassionate: you have a desire to help others; you are honest and open; you are self-revealing and identify with the struggles of others; and you are grateful for and present in your relationships.
  4. Connected – You know when you are connected—you have trusting and supportive relationships, you behave with respect and kindness, and you have open, meaningful conversations.
  5. Captivating – You know when you are captivating: you bring energy and passion to a room or meeting; you exude charm; and, you have a sense of humor and history.
  6. Courageous – You know when you are courageous: You take emotional, financial, mental, or physical risks for positive change in your life or the world; you are resilient and preserve through misfortune, affliction and disaster; and, you act with dignity and faith, seeking to understand both yourself and others.
  7. Creative -You know when you are creative: you enjoy discovering original ideas; you enjoy finding new solutions and different ways to be more productive; and you can be an open-minded, analytical decision-maker, designer, or speaker when you communicate your creativity.

Do not let anyone rent a space in your head, unless they are a good tenant.