Degree and certificate completion at Oklahoma state system institutions rose in the last academic year, according to the latest Degrees Conferred in Oklahoma Higher Education report from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
During the 2020-21 academic year, students from Oklahoma public colleges and universities earned 37,149 degrees and certificates. This represents a 1.3% increase in degrees conferred over the prior year and a 11.1% increase over the last decade.
Chancellor Allison D. Garrett said, “This positive trend reflects the state system of higher education’s ongoing commitment to affordability and student persistence. Growth in STEM degrees and the health professions is helping meet Oklahoma’s current and future workforce needs for engineers, computer science professionals, and healthcare providers.”
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) bachelor’s degree production increased 47% over the last 10 years and increased 29% at all degree levels. In the same period, degree production in engineering increased more than 28%; in computer and information sciences, 33%; and in biological sciences, more than 50%. The number of health professions degrees conferred increased more than 20% over the last five years, and more than 26% over the last decade. Looking at nursing specifically, degree and certificate production increased 20% in the last five years and nearly 26% over the last decade.
Bachelor’s degrees accounted for 48% of all degrees conferred in the last academic year, followed by associate degrees, which accounted for 28%. Bachelor’s degree production has increased more than 13% over the last 10 years.