There is only one sure-fire way to stop mass shootings in America.

Confiscate all the guns.

That’s obviously unconstitutional and unworkable. But this is where the liberal “logic” breaks down.

It is already illegal to buy an automatic weapon in America. Democrats want to also outlaw semi-automatic weapons.

But guess what? Most of the gun murders in the United States are with handguns, not assault rifles. Confiscating assault rifles won’t the stop the murderous actions of crazy people. Universal background checks for the purchase of guns is a joke. Now, you already have to go through an FBI background check to purchase any gun from a licensed gun dealer. The system catches almost no one. Criminals don’t buy their rifles at Wal-Mart.

But universal background checks mean that you can’t sell a rifle or handgun to a neighbor or a relative without an FBI check. Again, it’s unworkable and onerous because only law-abiding citizens would do the paperwork.

The goal of the Democrat candidates for president is the eventual registration and ultimate confiscation of all weapons. We caught a glimpse of this in the aftermath of Katrina when law enforcement went door to door in New Orleans confiscating guns.

The problem is that American culture has diminished the value of human life. We have killed more than 65 million unborn babies in their mothers’ wombs. We are passing laws for mercy killing of the elderly who “can no longer contribute to society.” And at the same time, we have scaled back enforcement of the death penalty for murder in some states.

With that lack of values, it’s no wonder that crazy people want publicity by killing innocent people in a mall.

The deep solution is a spiritual awakening in America with a return to Judeo-Christian values. The unconstitutional confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens is not the answer.